Chapter 3

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JASON'S (pov)

I slowly got out of my car, debating whether or not I should ring the door bell. I walked up to the front door and saw that Jen was home, I was really hoping she wasn't. I let out a huge sigh, "Here goes nothing" I bring my hand up to the door bell and rang it" I waited for about a minute then I herd someone approach the door. I was hoping and praying that Jennifer wasn't going to open the door, and she didnt't her mom did. " Ah Jace how are you" she asked politely. "I'm fine Aunt Jacqueline I just came here to pick up my brother's Biology text book he left it here" I said not wanting her to know that I didn't come for Jen."Alright have you eaten as yet" she asked me while moving aside so I could walk in the house. "No not yet my parents are at the Wilfred Gala. I was just planing on ordering a pizza" I replied

"Non sense I am making Lasagna it will be ready in an hour. In the mean time check the study for Jacob's book and Belle is upstairs. Belle was Ms. Alexandre's name for Jennifer. I went into the study fist and my brothers book was on one of the desk. " I really wanted it to be not so obvious were he left and once again it is right in front of me. Great just Great". I said to myself . I grabbed the book and went up the stairs to Jennifer's room. I got there and her bedroom door was closed so I knocked.

*knock* *knock**knock*

(No answer)


Jennifer opened her door in only her towel covering her and another towel drying her hair my guess is she just got out of the shower.Damn she looks hot. I shook my head and stared in her eyes, her eyes are a yellow and green mixture, they are wonderful. Sooner or later I was snapped out of my day dream.

"Jason whats up?"

Wait that just sounded friendly is she talking to me again?

"Um..........hey Jen just wondering if you have today's homework for Math".

She looked up at me and smiled. She smiled at me.

" Yup" she replied back popping the p. " Come in I need to change"

I walked in her room while she walked into her bathroom which was in her room. Before she did she handed me her notes. " Quiz tomorrow second period on tonight's homework" She said before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind her. I decided to use my time wisely so I got started on my homework, it was easy I was gunna breeze through that quiz tomorrow .

As I finished up the last question Jenna came out of the washroom wearing Short shorts with a tank top and her hair was in a bun. She looked beautiful but if I wanted this to work I had to think friendly.

"Done?" she asked me while putting her clothes down the laundry shoot.

" Just about " She nodded then moved to her desk and grabbed her sketches and pencils and started "designing" or whatever her and her mom do, she is really talented she plans on being like her mother when she gets older and I honestly think she would give mama bear a run for her money in the near future.

About half an hour later the intercom was buzzing.

"Belle, temps pour dîner" time for dinner her mom said to her in french

We quickly got up and ran downstairs to the table. We sat down beside each other.

Two minutes later her mom came with two plates only.

"Mom were is your plate?" Jenna asked as her mom placed the beautiful lasagna in front of us.

"Belle I have to leave now, fashion week is starting and your aunt is messing every thing up so I need to fix things and get reorganized I will be back tomorrow for your birthday don't worry" her mom said kissing her head and my cheek

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