Chapter 11

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JASON'S (pov)

There. Jason Micheal Blane, you did it you manged to lose two of the most important people of your life in a matter of 24hours. There you go I think you just broke a record dude. Nice going.

I Thought to myself as I was laying on my bed. When did this all flip upside down? I feel like my world is slowly falling apart and I hate it. My brother was right, I need to fix things because I was being sellfidh toward Jennifer and it wasn't nice of me at all to do what I did. I was never proud of it but I felt like it had to be done. I needed to call her. I picked up my phone and held down the number 1 button, yes I had her on speedial might as well. The phone was ringing then it went to her voice mail so I decided to leave a message.

"Hi. This is Jen, I can't come to the phone now but if you leave a message I will try to get back to you. Thanks."

Here goes nothing


"I am sorry. For everything I didn't know how to tell you how I felt and doing what I did to you and Daniel seemed like an easier way. But judging by the looks of things me making it easier made the situation worse and I am truely sorry, I have never felt so wrong about anything in my life until now. I never meant to hurt you Jennifer and I mean that. I really do I--"


Crap I was out if time. I needed to say more so I called again.

"Hi. This is Jen, I can't Come to the phone now but if you leave a message I will try to get back to you. Thanks."


" Hey remember the time when your father died and you started to have those flashback dreams and you were crying for me or Jake so your mom called me over in the middle of the night and I stayed with you? you remeber what I said to you while you were crying? I said Jen I am here for you, always have been always will be and I am. I am sorry it only took you walking out on our friendship for me to realize it. I need you Jennifer please. I am so so so sorry I know it probably means nothing to you but please Jenny please."

I hung up after that and grabbed my coat and headed outside to my truck. Jacob must have taken the bus or something and went back to be with her and that sould've been me. She was crying because she had another one of those dreams about her dad and she called my brother. Since the first time she had the dream happened I have always been there ecery single time she called, and because of my stupid mistake she called my twin instead of me. And it hurts. Bad.

I got in my car and just drove wherever the half a tank of gas could take me. I needed to think.


When Jake came back over he seemed kind of mad but he wouldn't tell me why so I dropped it. We were in my family's Media Room watcing all things super heros because I love me some Chris Hemsworth in armour . If you haven't guessed it people were watching Thor. DUH. I turned to Jake who looked really into the movie.

"I want pizza Jake-A-ROO"

No Answer.

"Jake I am going to order pizza and I think I want chicken and pineapple" I said to him knowing that he hated pineapple but I loved it who cares if he didnt want the pineapple he could pick it off.

"Hell no Jenny. You know I hate pineapples order pepperonni or something" He answered back at me.

"UMMMMMMM NOPE. I hate pepperoni you know that Jake" I replied

"Okay here jus order two boxes and have one Chicken and Pineapple. And  pepperoni" He looked at me smiled and turned back to the movie.

"Fine then. Be right back. No fast fowarding the hot Chris parts I will know " I said then walked out of the room. I went into the kitchen because I couldn't find my phone then I herd it buzzing. That usually means I have a voice mail. I picked up my phone and plyed with a few keys then put the phone on speaker so I could grab the number for the pizza place.

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