Chapter 20

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I was late for school, I am never late for school....................okay I am sometimes but today was an important day. Today was the senior assembly for our end of high school trip. The teachers try their best to keep the location of where we are going a secret until they reveal it at the assembly. I was running late because my mom needed my help on some designs last night and this morning I slept in. I was ten minutes late and the assembly started as soon as the first bell rang at 8:45am .

I sent a text to Jacob when I was leaving my house.

- Hey running late save me a seat @ Assembly be there in 10.

I never got a reply but I assumed he got my message.

When I got inside the school I heard dean Wilson talking through the microphone in the auditorium I decided to run because I might get in trouble for being this late. I slowly opened the door to the auditorium and everyone turned around and looked at me.

"miss Alexandre you are late please have a seat" The dean announced over the microphone. I spotted Dasha in the crowed and saw an empty seat behind her Jake and Jason were sitting beside her. I sat down in the empty spot and started listening to the dean but when she started to talk about behaviour I tuned her out.

 I leaned forward and gave Jace a kiss on the cheek. "Hey Dash were to this year?" I said while giving her a hug from behind.

"Bahamas" she said. I nodded my head and turned toward the dean.

The assembly finished two hours later. the four of us had a spare (a/n when you don't have a class during that time period) so we decided to have an early and longer lunch.

"where are we going ? I said as we hopped into my car.

"Oh I heard they finally opened that burger place near the beach we should go there" I looked at Dasha through the mirror because she was sitting behind me in the back seat.

"Sounds good everybody down?" I turned to Jason who was sitting in the passenger seat.

"I'm cool" he said and shrugged his shoulders. I tuned my self so I facing Jacob  "Jake how do you feel about burgers?"

He looked at me and shrugged is shoulders "whatever" he said and turned his head to face the window. I didn't know what is deal was but I chose to ignore it.


We got to the Burger place about twenty minutes later and got a booth. Jason and I sitting beside each other and Jake and Dash sitting across from us.

"So Bahamas huh? I am totally digging this location, it is going to be the best trip ever or what?" Dash asked us. we all nodded our heads and started to talk about the trip.

when our food came we all started eating. I started telling everyone about my night with my mom and how I was so happy she asked me to help her sketch.

"Is that why you were late this morning?" Jace asked me. I nodded my head. "I sent a text to Jake"

Jason looked kind of angry although I hadn't the slightest idea why. "Why did you send a text to Jake?" he asked hints of jealousy escaping his voice.

"To tell him to save me a seat because I was gunna be late for school, didn't you get it Jake?"

He looked at me and then cleared his throat. "yeah I did but by time I got it the seat was already taken." He replied back not holding my gaze.

I knew he was lying because I sent that text to him minutes before the assembly so he would've got it before the assembly started. I decided that I wasn't going to say anything further about it.


Today was the day we were going to the Bahamas. I was so excited. Dasha and I got to go on the same flight where as the boys caught a later one we were travelling in two groups the morning flight which left at nine. Or the afternoon flight that left at noon.

Dash slept over at mine last night so we could ride to the airport together. We woke up at around five thirty in the morning just to have enough time to get ready.  we got up did all the daily routines and headed downstairs, Andrew was making us pancakes and turkey bacon for breakfast.

"Morning Drew!" I ran up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Angel foods almost ready" He replied as he was plating the food. Dasha and I both sat down and ate while he went to get our luggage from upstairs.

"Okay you guys ready to go it is almost seven" my mom shouted from the front door. I ran up to my room to grab my Ipod , phone and laptop and Dasha's phone and Ipad. I quickly gave my stepdad a hug and then rushed to the car waiting out front.

"Morning ladies excited for the big day?" Steve our driver said. "Good morning steve - o and yes we are so excited"

Steve was thirty years old he just got married and his wife is expecting, he really does well so mom tries to help his family out. Even though we all have cars my mom sometimes likes to just go places without having to drive and Steve is always there no matter what.

Half an hour later we were sitting in the airport waiting to be borded.

When it was our turn to board the plane Dash and I were so excited. We had gotten one of the window seats which Dasha took and I sat in the middle next to a boy whom I have never seen until now , but his friend was sitting across from him so we wasn't really focused on us.


"I wonder what the guys are doing right now" Dasha mumbled. We were an hour into our flight and we were watching movies on my laptop. "I don't know they kind of seem weird to me, don't you think?"

 I asked her as I took the earphone out of my ear. "Jen isn't it obvious? they both like you. No scratch that love you so I think the Blain twins are actually fighting over you. You might not notice because you think they are being friendly but seriously think about it, you lost your virginity to one and you are dating the other, you may think that Jake doesn't have feelings for you but he does."

I thought about it long and hard, I really never knew how much of a hole I was digging with myself when I got involved with Jason and I really didn't think how it would've impacted my relationship with Jake, and even if I am dating Jason I am always going to have something with Jake. I mean he was my first and I was his. Things like that you don't just forget about when your next boyfriend comes along.

I needed to think of how I was going to deal with this. I don't want to be the reason why Jake and Jace don't talk or like eachother. I needed to think fast because college aceptance lettres were coming out when we get back from this trip and if I don't handle this now.

I might ruin lives in the process.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2012 ⏰

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