Chapter 8

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I can't believe that Jason bought me that necklace it could've cost him a lot of money but he doesn't want to tell me. Oh well. Jace and I were waiting for a few of our friends to arrive for my get together. My mom called me and said that her flight was delayed and she couldn't be here, but next week I get to go to Paris for fashion week and I am so excited. I was about to call Jake and Dash to see were they are then the doorbell rang. I ran to get it. When I opened the door I saw Dash and Jake fighting like they always do, even though I opened the door they paid me no mind.

"No way. you said that you told him we kissed. Your a liar" Dash said to Jake.

"Dash. I am offended I would never lie about kissing you" He replied.

"Then explain to me why MY BOYFRIEND seems to think that we kissed?" Dasha replied getting a little angry.

"That's because we did kiss Dash"


My eyes were closed when did they stop fighting? I looked up and saw Jake and Dash Kissing each other. Wow more like making out, I need to stop them.

"EHHHEM" I said loud enough to break them apart.

"Holy shit Jacob are you insane you can't go around kissing me I have a boyfriend" Dash said pushing Jake away from her.

"Save it please I just want cake. Continue kissing after you give me your present and I eat" I said to Dasha.

They came inside and we were all  staring at each other with bored faces.

"Jacob Truth or Dare?" I asked him

"Truth. No Dare"

"when the pizza man comes I dare you to throw a fit claiming that he is late and you demand free pizza" I said to Jacob.

"Alright count me in" he said then the door bell rang. I looked at my cell phone to see that the pizza person was half an hour early it was seven o'clock, when I spoke to the person on the phone he said half an hour I just called five minutes ago. I shrugged it off and Jake went to answer the door.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I turned toward the door to see Daniel standing at the door. I forgot I had invited him, and Jake cannot stand him.

"I.....I ah........ Invited him" I said walking to the door.

"Hey Daniel come on in"I said waiting for Jake to move out of the doorway

"He is not coming in Jen Hell no" Jake replied.

"Well-- -"I started to say when Daniel cut me off.

"Actually Jennifer is it okay if I just talk to you outside?" Daniel asked me.

"Ya sure" I walked up to Jake and gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered in his ear.

"I'll be fine I promise"

I walked outside and closed the door behind me ."Whats up?"

He looked at me then sat on the steps." I need to tell you something but you can't interrupt until I finish okay?"

What was this about? I had no choice so I just shook my head and he begun talking.

"Okay. I didn't leave because my dad was expanding his company. I mean he was expanding his company but I never had to go. He told me that I had a week to decide so I needed to make up my mind. I decided to call Jason that night and ask him what he'd think I should do so we met at that coffee shop around the corner from school, I asked him what I should do and if I should leave and he told me that you already knew and you were pissed off at me and hated me, that you never wanted to speak to me again and you were glad I was leaving because you were only dating me because you felt sorry for me. At that point I thought all we were was a lie so I left with my dad, and told Jason to give you that letter that I wrote and I just wanna say that even if it wasn't real for you it was for me."

At this point I am so confused.Jason made him leave without saying goodbye and what note was he talking about." Um Dan what note. I never received a note from you what did it say?" I said curious now.

"I was just talking about how we had good times and that I wouldv'e never forgotten you and even though you hated me I still loved you" He said to me.

I couldn't say anything Jason lied to me.

"I think you should go now Daniel" I said trying to keep in my tears.

"Wait are... are you mad at me Jen" he asked looking hurt.

"No I am really happy you came. And I don't hate you I never did" I said to him trying to smile.

" well good I don't want you to hate me. It really is good to see you Jennifer maybe when I am back in town we can talk" He said standing up getting ready to leave.

"Wait your not staying?" I asked confused

"Nope. I just came up here to visit my aunt and cousins for a couple weeks and I needed some extra cash, that explaining my job at Quiznos. I just needed to say sorry if I hurt you, and I hope we can still be friends" he said looking deep into my eyes.

" Ya no. of course I forgive you and we can be friends see you around Dan" I said giving him a quick hug.

He gave me a nod and started walking to his car. I turned around ready to walk back into my house.

"Jennifer" Daniel shouted. I turned around to look at him.

"Happy birthday" he said getting into his car and driving away.

"Thanks Dan" I whispered to myself. Even though we broke up Daniel was a genuine good person never brought anyone down I started to cry when I realized that I had been kissing a guy who I thought really cared about me and who was supposed to be best friend.

I started to cry really hard. Then I stopped I didn't want him to celebrate a milestone in my life he didn't deserve to. I wiped my tears away and walked into the house. As far as i'm concerned we are no longer friends.

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