Chapter 5

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JASON's (pov)

"Close your mouth Jason you might catch flies" That is what she said to me after kissing my brother I wasn't sure what taunted her to do that but I could promise you I was angry I stomped into the kitchen and saw Jen and Jake look at me, with huge smiles in their faces. "Hey twin" Jake said to me. I looked at him then looked at Jennifer. " I need to go home and shower, then I will com back to give you your present". She didn't say anything else so I left the kitchen. I went into the laundry room and grabbed my t-shirt, then I put on my shoes and walked out the door. I went to my car and saw my brother waiting by the passenger side. I looked at him confused. " well I kind if took the bus here and I need to pick up her gift from home too so why not" Jake said to me without asking. I had forgot that two months ago Jake got his car taken away because he was street racing. So he has to go four months without it now. Sucks. I don't really want Jacob to know I was mad at him so I just nodded and unlocked the car doors, We got in and I drove home.

When I was turning onto our street Jacob decided to start talking. " Hey twin. I'm going to tell you a little secret" . My brother said looking at me. I just nodded and continued to drive. " Jennifer is an amazing kisser". That did it. I quickly stopped the car for dramatic affect but soon realized we were home, so I got out of my car and slammed the door. I quickly ran upstairs I got out some clothes and took a quick shower. As soon as I was done getting ready I went into my sock drawer to pull out Jennifer's gift. I Bought her a necklace that had her birthstone on it usually my brother and I coordinated with our gifts so she could use or wear them at the same time, but this year I went solo because we were sort of together before when I bought it. I grabbed it and headed down stairs and saw Jacob at the door.

"Wow that was quick. Ready to go" He said smiling at me

" I have an idea why don't YOU take the bus and I drive MY car?" I said raising my voice a little.

"WHOA. Twin what is wrong with you man" he said putting his hands up above his head

" YOU ARE JAKE FOR KISSING HER BACK" I yelled. I could see Jacob getting mad.


"YES IT DOES" I screamed back.

"WHY HUH? WHY" he said mack

"BECAUSE I LOVE HER YOU ASSHOLE . I AM IN LOVE WITH HER AND SHE KNOWS" my voice started to lower down to a talking level.

"I told her and she doesn't want me . She told me to forget that I said it, and that I don't nor ever will be in love with her. And I need her to love me like I do her." I said looking up at my brother, he tried to talk but I held up my hand indicating that I wasn't finish.

"I need her Jake, bad. But if you go around returning her KISSES you might fall for her. And I don't want you to because you will hurt her like you always do to girls. She completes me, and if you are in the way she might just choose you instead of me and I don't want that at all. So please back off" I said whispering. 

At that point Jacob came up to me and handed me a picture of me him and Jenna at her family's beach house in Cancun when we were seven. I loved that picture, Jenna had just lost one of her front teeth and started talking with a lisp.

"I was looking through some old stuff and found it. I thought maybe she would like it so I enlarged it and framed it. You go . And give this to her, tell her I will come by later with Dash so she could cut the cake." He said to me giving me a pat on the shoulder.

"Go get her twin. well at least try, she will come around soon enough" he said to me.

I gave him a smirk and then walked out of the door. It was around lunch time so I decided to take her to Quiznos . I called her and she answered on the first ring.

"Bonjour" she answered

"English please" I said starting to laugh

" What do you want Jason" she said trying to act annoyed

"Lunch so get some clothes on and I will pick you up, be there in ten" I quickly hung up the phone. The quicker I hung up the less time she would have to complain.

I got to her house about ten minutes later putting mine and Jake's gift in the back seat. I honked and she came out sticking her tongue at me while locking her front door. She got into my car and sighed."Okay you may be hungry and all but I'm the birthday girl so I want Quiznos" she said straight up looking at me. I decided to toy with her emotions for a hot minute.

"umm. I kind of wanted subway" I said trying to keep a straight face as she started to get angry.

" Well I guess that's too bad isn't it then because I want Quiznos and when I want Quiznos you don't reply by saying you want SUBWAY, especially on my birthday" she said angrily I couldn't hold it in anymore so I burst into laughter, And she looked at me funny.

"I'm sorry, I am not sure why you are laughing" she said then punched me in the arm. I quickly snapped out of it.

"OW. WHAT THE HELL JENNY" I yelled playfully she gave me a stern look and I knew she was starting to get annoyed.

"FINE. Quiznos it is, however when my birthday comes around again we are going to Subway" I said pulling out of her driveway

"we'll see" she said as she started to smile.

We got to Quiznos and there was not that much people. Jenny and I were talking when someone yelled. "I can help the next person in line" I was walking behind Jenny as we reached the only empty register. The guy who was helping us was typing something into the register. then he started talking." Hi welcome to Quiznos may i take your order?" He lifted up his head and looked surprised.






I know it is a short chapter but I only wanted Jason's (pov) for chapter five by the way FISRT FIVE CHAPTERS ARE FINISHED PEOPLE BOOOYA

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