Teen Wolf Preference

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Teen Wolf Preference.

Obviously, this may contains spoilers so don't get angry if you read on and discover who's dead. Also, this probably won't make sense if you don't watch the series (it has more than just werewolves btw), but feel free to read on. I hope in interests you. I also have a second TW Preference coming.

Calum: Lydia's death (you know the one). // {Calum is Stiles, Luke is Scott} Luke helped in my attempts to restrain Y/N, but the madness that held her captive was far too strong to defeat. Shooting upwards, Y/N's mouth stretched open and an piercing shriek punctured my ears. One by one, all the windows in the room began to shatter, glass flying everywhere. Out of instinctive I leaned forward, shielding Y/N from any impending damage, but it wasn't enough to help her. Once the glass had collapsed in shards around my feet, I slowly pulled back, looking around the room at the destruction that had occurred. Luke and Deaton had fallen to the floor, and were now slowly steadying themselves upwards. But they were okay. They weren't hurt. I turned to Y/N, half expecting a look of relief to be settled on her face, but here eyes were shut softly and all the colour had seemed to drain from her cheeks. Not yet digesting the scene before me, I moved one of my hands outwards, carefully wiping the splinters of glass from her face, though she remained unresponsive. "Y/N?" I mumbled, uncertain if she could head me. And I waited, let a few seconds pass by believing that she would stir, a flutter of her eyelids, a movement of her chest; but nothing. In denial, I looked over towards Luke. He stood on the other side of the table, an absent expression on his features as he came closer. Turning back to Y/N, I cupped her face in both my hands, tilting her head upwards, speaking to her with urgency, desperation, as if a demand. "Y/N, come on.." But she was still. And it finally began to sink in; the complete terror of the sight. "No, no, no, no, no. Come on Y/N, wake up!" I searched her face for life, moved her head around in my hands, tired to get her to respond. Why wouldn't she move? Why wouldn't she wake? "Come on. Wake up. Can you hear me?" I was desperate. Never wanted anything so badly. "Y/N, open your eyes." My breathing was unsteady, and I couldn't manage enough air inside my lungs to stop from trembling. She was dead... She was dead and she needed to wake up. "Come on. Come on. Come on, listen to me Y/N." I caressed her cheek. My fingertips lingered on the side of her face, as if something that wasn't quite ready to vanish, remained. "Y/N. Show me your eyes, okay?" I leaned forward as I murmured, ignoring the heavy feeling of my eyes brimming with tears, scanning her face, looking upon her in devastation. I wasn't going to give up on her. "Y/N, you have to wake up!" Silence. I looked up, Y/N's face still in my hands. And then slowly, as if not realising, Luke took a step backwards. His eyes absently drifted from Y/N to an unfixed point of the room, and I watched as his lips trembled and his body shook with misery. This was all to familiar to him. His love, his everything, had slipped away in his arms and he knew that there was nothing he could have done to save her. And now, his best friend... Now she was dead too, and he knew the utter agony I was feeling, and it destroyed him because he despite how hard he had tried, he couldn't save her, either. Couldn't save me from this. He shook his head softly, and he appeared as though the universe had betrayed him. My vision floated back to Y/N, a burnt out flicker of hope aching inside my chest, but it would burn again. "Hey!" I whimpered, my chin quivering in nausea. She had to wake up! "Come on. This was supposed to be me." That's what she had whispered to me in the jeep: that I was the one who wasn't going to make it. I'd be okay with that. If it meant she'd live, I'd be okay with that. But she wasn't moving. She wasn't breathing. And she wasn't waking up. Unconsciously, I refrained myself, standing upwards, pulling away from her. I looked to Deaton and then to Luke, as if asking them to admit that this wasn't real; that perhaps my night terrors had returned and this would be the worst of them. But they couldn't say that. Nightmares couldn't hurt like this. Deaton exhaled a deep breath and silently closed his eyes in a combination of both respect and tragedy, whereas Luke remained frozen in shock, his eyes held focus on the distance. So I looked down, ready to collapse into Y/N's shoulder and cry against her skin, begging her body for a source of comfort. But her chest jolted upwards and her lips parted and she gasped for air. Awake. Alive. She was alive. I leaned closer, my eyes flickering weakly. It felt as though I had been pulled to the bottom of the ocean, and now I had reached the surface and had to learn how to breathe again. Her eyes found mine. Her pupils were dilated, but the comforting ring of gold and green was visible, and I could breathe again. She winced in pain but managed to calm herself as she leaned further into my hand, several exhausted tears escaping her weary eyes. Luke was by her side again, close for comfort. A gentle smile met his lips, outshining the tears that filled his eyes and soaked his cheeks. And he was okay. Whist the love of his life didn't pull through, here he was, standing before his best friends, both very much alive. And for that, he was grateful. "You're okay?" I breathed out, Y/N's gaze locked on mine. She nodded slightly - seemed to have caught her breath. "You're okay." She looked over, took hold of my hand and interlaced her shaking fingers with mine, staring at the connection with adoration. Any trace of tears had since vanished from my eyes; it was like the sun came out. "Do you want to try and sit up?" I murmured to her, my voice delicate and tender. She nodded, barely able to speak following the screams she had sounded. I nodded over to Luke and he took this as a sign to help me, steadying Y/N as I supported her, sitting her upright. She kept her glossy eyes locked with mine until she leaned against me, her face resting in the crook of my neck, as though the very area was created for her to rest her weary head. A figured appeared in the door way, face unrecognisable by the cast of shadows that consumed her. It was only when they stepped into the light did we discover that it was Y/N's mother. "Mum?" She croaked out, voice hoarse and tired. Her mother ran over, embracing her child into her arms, Y/N's hand remaining locked with mine. Luke breathed out in relief, though still evidently heart-ached over the reoccurring memory that seemed to linger in his chest. "They saved my life, mum." She whispered. Now, her eyes meeting mine once again, she smiled. "Calum saved my life."


Luke: Allison's death (A.K.A the saddest moment in Teen Wolf History). // So I ran forward, unable to feel my legs, my arms; anything besides the shattering heartache in my chest. I reached her as she stumbled backwards, and my arms caught her body, instinctively pulling her close to me. There was so much blood. As I lowered us to the ground, crimson red staining our skin, my hands cradled her head, tucking her hair behind her ears. Her dark sunken eyes, overflowing with tears, met mine, refusing to look elsewhere, to focus on anything other than myself. She spoke in a voice so tender and weak, one that refused to fade. "Did you find her? Is she okay? Is Lydia safe?" Still - in undoubtably the most pain she had ever experienced - she remained beautiful in her soul, her heart crying out for her friends' safety. I answered her, "she's okay, she's okay." But Y/N wasn't. Blood continued to flow from her wound, and if the amount of loss wasn't concerning, the discomfort on her face was. She was pale - appeared as if she was freezing, though I knew that there was nothing I could do to warm her up. Not with the winds and the darkness of the night. My trembling hands reached for hers, squeezing tight for dear life, but as hard and as hard as I tried, I couldn't help her. "I can't. I can't take your pain." I cried, and then a soft whimper followed after, shaking my whole body. Y/N's lips curved upwards at the corners, the softest of smiles meeting her eyes, but I couldn't save her. "That's because it doesn't hurt." The adrenaline. I knew it was the adrenaline, and though I was grateful beyond measures that she seemed painless, I was unable to stop my head from shaking; to stop mutters from parting my lips: "No. No. No." Her hand squeezed back as she whispered. "It's okay." "Y/N." "It's okay." She insisted. She had pulled her hand from my grip, and now rested it on the side of my face, her thumb catching my tears as they rolled down my cheek. "It's okay. It's okay." My lips began to tremble, a wretched cry for mercy threatening to escape. I didn't want her to see me this way; terrified, helpless, broken. Not as it was the last time... It was the last time... "It's okay. It's perfect." None of this was supposed to happen. I loved her. I loved her and she couldn't leave me. Now her eyes seemed distant, her body grew heavier, and I could feel her slipping away. But I needed her to stay. I still needed her. "I'm in the arms of my first love. The first person I ever loved. The person I'll always love." Keep breathing, Y/N. Don't go. "I love you. Luke... Luke Hemmings." This wasn't right. "Don't. Please, don't." I cried, all the desperation I had ever felt for someone, captured in a single second. But I couldn't make her stay. Her eyes closed momentarily; opened again after a few seconds had passed, but I knew she couldn't fight anymore. I couldn't, either. "You have to tell my dad... You have to tell my dad." Y/N's body began heaving. Her lungs fought for air as she struggled to breathe, and her eyes met mine for one final moment. "Tell him-" She gasped in terror, a sense of urgency lingering on her lips; but then the damage finally caught up to her, and for a split second a moment of agony flashed across her eyes before they rolled into the back of her head, and closed just as she slipped away. I screamed out for her life, for her to stay, but she was gone. She was cold. She had stopped bleeding. And she was gone. She was gone.



Oh my gosh, this took me like, 2ish/3 hours to write and I in no way expected Calum's to be long, but I am so happy with it. Honestly, during that scene, I did not think Lydia was going to wake up. When she said "but you're not {going to make it}" to Stiles, I thought he would be the one that would die!!????- and oh dear, that episode truly was painful.

Anyone notice the Stydia reference - it's like the sun came out? Lol, I am so hardcore Stydia.

And to all you #Marrish and #Stalia shippers out there, how does it feel knowing Stydia is real?


Mashton's preferences will be:

A: "Scott, you're my brother."

M: Stiles' panic attack (cruel, I know).

Favourite Teen Wolf scene? Idk, there's too much to chose from, but one of them HAS to be:

"I'm the hot girl."

"Yes you are."

I love you (and Teen Wolf, duh).


- HakunaHemmings.

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