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(Kenzie's POV)

I woke up sitting on a chair in front of a table. Trying to get up I quickly realised that my arms and legs were handcuffed and the chair was chained to the floor forcing me to stay where I was. Groaning angrily I tried to get out of the handcuffs but without luck.

"Don't bother, I tried already." A voice said and I looked beside me to see Bucky in the same position as me but with some other contraption trapping his metal arm.

"Thank god it's you!" I exclaimed and he smiled slightly.
"What the hell happened?"

"Well they ran some tests and whatever they found wasn't good so they knocked me out and the next thing I knew I woke up here." He explained and I glanced around the room to see a camera in the top corner. Glaring at it because I knew at least one member of the team would be listening I decided to let all my anger out in the form of words.

"Not going to lock me up you said. Thanks for this you lying backstabbing dicks. You know I always wondered why people told me not to trust the avengers, now I know why because they pretend to be your friend and then, you turn away for one second and they stab you in the back!" I screamed before a look from Bucky stopped my rant.

"Screaming isn't going to get us anywhere." He stated slowly and I nodded in agreement. If we wanted to get out of here we'd need a plan.

~Wanda's POV~

"Well she's angry." I stated glaring at Bruce and Tony. Once they'd done tests on Kenzie, they panicked. After knocking her friend Bucky out and doing a test on him, the majority of the team decided they were dangerous and now they're stuck in an interrogation room. Me and Pietro both think it's ridiculous, I know I'm dangerous but I'm not locked up so I don't see why they need to lock Kenzie and her friend up.

"We didn't want to do this." Tony stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Did you really need to handcuff them to chairs though? Could we not just leave them in the locked room?" Pietro asked and I nodded my head agreeing with him.

"I guess we could." Bruce said and I nodded my head.

"Do you want me and Pietro to go do it." I asked and Stark nodded his head.

"Okay I think she's probably least mad at you two at the moment." He replied and I sighed softly before Pietro picked me up and ran towards the room they were being kept in.

"Kenzie we're going to unhandcuff you okay?" I asked walking into the room to see a pissed looking friend of Kenzie and a even more pissed looking Kenzie.

"We've tried to get them to let you out, they won't." Pietro stated uncuffing Bucky's feet and removing whatever contraption they used to trap his arm.

"They're worried that either of us is going to go crazy and kill you all." Kenzie stated as I undid her handcuffs so she could get up and move around.

"Yeah well Steve doesn't know that you're locked up so he'll probably do something when he gets back." Pietro stated and Kenzie looked up at him in confusion.

"Wait." She said slowly.
"Steve doesn't know?"

"No, he never had a say in what happened to you." I explained and she glanced over at me.

"So who put us in here?" Bucky asked slowly.

"It was Tony and Bruce's idea and then the team voted. Me, Pietro and Clint voted against but the others voted for locking you in here." Pietro stated looking at her sympathetically.

"So even after he promised me I wouldn't be locked up, he still did." She stated her voice getting slightly louder with anger.
"What a great boyfriend I have."

"Hey! We'll get out of this!" Bucky said placing an arm around her shoulders pulling her close to him.

Suddenly the door swung open and an angry looking Steve stormed in.

"Come on you can leave this room!" He shouted helping Kenzie and Bucky up.

"This room?" Kenzie asked and he looked over at his slowly.

"Yeah, they said you're too unpredictable and dangerous to be allowed out of the tower but you can walk around the tower instead of being in here all day." He explained and I smiled linking arms with Kenzie and walking out of the room.

"What do you want to do?" I asked and she smirked.

"I'm thinking Netflix marathon but first ." She started flicking her hair over her shoulder
"I have a boyfriend to kill."

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