Hydra files

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~ Kenzie's POV~

"Theirs no guards outside the building." Pietro stated running back to us and standing beside me.

"Okay Wanda, Clint guard  the entrance." Steve ordered and they nodded their heads.
"The rest of us, we'll go inside and try find as much information as we can."

We followed Steve into the base leaving Wanda and Clint to defend it from any backup Hydra sends. The base looked like it had been deserted for months but I wouldn't be surprised if Hydra planned for it to look like that so they wouldn't have visitors. Continuing to walk, after about five minutes we reached the end of the corridor and two more corridors to follow.

"Right ok, Me and Bucky will go left, you three go right." Steve stated and we nodded before starting to leave.

"Wait!" Bucky exclaimed walking towards me and pulling me into a hug.
"Be careful!"

I nodded my head before we split up and me, Nat and Pietro headed deeper into the Hydra base.

"What exactly are we looking for?" Pietro asked.

"Any information on Hydra that we don't already know." Nat explained before a noise made us all stop. Suddenly their was a bang and a group of guards ran towards us. Their were ten of them and they all carried guns. Storming towards us they didn't stop and I ran forward to the closest one throwing a punch at his face. Within seconds a full blow fight had started, I kicked a guard in the stomach freezing him to the ground before flipping onto another's shoulders using a move Nat showed me to squeeze my thighs around his neck before flipping us to the ground and stabbing him with a piece of ice. Pietro ran disarming all the guards as Nat took them down using her various weapons she carry's with her. Once we'd beat them all Pietro glanced worriedly in the direction of the entrance to the base obviously thinking about Wanda and Clint.

"Go help them." I stated placing a hand on his arm.
"We'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded giving him a quick hug before he rushed off to help his sister and Clint.

"So. How are you?" Nat asked as we walked through the Hydra corridors.

"I'm fine." I replied and she looked at me sadly.

"You know you don't have to lie to me Kenz, I know breaking up with Stark has effected you more than you're letting on but it's okay. You can talk to me, you don't need to keep your guard up and hide your emotions." She stated and I sighed nodding my head. I knew I can trust her it's just that if I let my guard down I'll get hurt again so it's easier to just leave it up and try and ignore my emotions.

"Thanks." I said and she smiled but before she could reply we reached a door at the end of the corridor. Walking forward I check the door to see if it was open but as I expected it wasn't and it didn't seem like it had been opened in months.

"Can you open it with your powers?" Nat asked after trying it herself and also having no luck opening the door. I steeped forward and tried to move the door handle from the inside, when that didn't work I just burnt a hole in the door big enough for us to crawl through.

Nat went through first and I followed her. The room was what looked like a control room, their was at least twenty computers all lined up and a cabinet full of paper files. Going straight to the cabinet, I forced the draw open to find files about people's work and personal lives all being stored. I flicked through the files looking for names I recognised before stopping on Bucky's file and taking it out passing it to Nat.

"It's Bucky's." I explained as she flicked through the file.
"It might explain what exactly what happened to him."

She nodded putting it in a pile of useful things before we continued to look through the Hydra information. I flicked through a few more files before stopping on the one labelled with my name. Sighing, I opened my file to find out what information Hydra had on me. Most the information was just things that everyone already knows, who I am, my powers, people I've killed stuff like that but the thing that caught my eyes was the information about my parents.

"Nat." I stated and she looked over to me as I read through the file in shock.

"Yeah?" She asked looking up from the computer and looking at my face in confusion.

"I think my parents were Hydra agents."

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