chapter nine

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The next day, a Monday, Frank wakes up early and Gerard is still sleeping. Last night, Frank had lain there just like this, watching Gerard sleep, wondering what he could do to stimulate Gerard's body. He had a few random ideas and he hopes they will take him somewhere, not to any more fights. He wants to make Gerard comfortable with Frank, not make him mad.

This morning, Frank's morning wood is perfect for his plan, but first he needs to check that Gerard is on the same boat. He didn't get hard before, but maybe that's not the rule for morning erections. Frank knows those come naturally in a man's state of sleep, but when he slides a hand to Gerard's front, Gerard is not hard.

Frank gets out of bed and walks to Gerard's side, kneeling on the floor, pulling the covers back and taking Gerard's limp cock in his hand. He works on it until Gerard wakes up, but he gets no results. Gerard doesn't get hard. He only grabs Frank's wrist, makes him stop and faces away from Frank.

Frank doesn't get upset over this attitude, but he's truly concerned about Gerard, so he gets dressed and goes to Gerard's office, leaving his working desk alone with Gerard's art material on it and sitting at the desk with the laptop, wanting to do research on the issue Gerard is going through at the moment.

What Frank reads is not problematic, because erectile dysfunction is treatable in every man if they persist on a treatment, but he also finds out that it can have many causes, including too much stress or even the constant worrying about one's sexual performance because apparently one's mind can inhibit the body from functioning correctly. Therefore, Frank's plan is even more likely to be successful.

He leaves his research behind when the information he gathers becomes repetitive and works on more ideas to surprise Gerard and change the course of their relationship.

In the afternoon, as Gerard goes into the office, Frank goes out for a walk. He gets his cell phone out from his pants pocket and calls Dr. Conan, the doctor he works with, explaining the situation as much as he can and asking for advice on how to tackle the issue. Dr. Conan sends him a text message with the name and number of a friend of his, and Frank calls the recommended urologist right away and they talk briefly. Dr. Yarn tells Frank that the information he found online is very accurate and that worrying about one's sexual performance can cause a dysfunction in one's abilities, and that working as a couple can make things right again if the problem isn't very developed.

Satisfied with this call, Frank stops at a café and sits at one of the tables outside to soak up some sunlight. He tells the waitress that he's waiting for someone. Then, he calls Gerard and asks him to meet up for a snack together, which Gerard accepts. There's a smile on his face when he appears in front of Frank, blocking the sun for a second until he sits down and, sipping on their ordered mocha lattes, Frank asks Gerard to tell him about the art he's been working on.

They go out for dinner that night as well and it's very relaxed. Gerard holds Frank's hand as they walk back home, a long time after the sun has set.

Tuesday turns out to be a very hot day. Frank wakes up late and Gerard isn't in bed, but he isn't in the office either, so he can only have gone for his daily summer morning jog. Before he gets back, Frank thinks of what he can do today, drinking a mug full of coffee and eating buttered bread toast.

Frank is checking an email from the band manager when he hears the door opening and gets up immediately, walking out of the office and into the living room. When Gerard sees him, he stops and blinks, staring at Frank because Frank is naked.

Frank decided to stay indoors today and will walk around the house with no clothes on. Gerard is still standing by the open door and someone outside is walking down the stairs, flip flops echoing loud as it hits the floor, and Gerard finally shuts the door with a hasty bang. Frank giggles at him.

Gerard frowns questioningly and says, "What are you doing?"

"I was just checking my email, but I heard the door and wanted to greet you with a morning kiss," Frank replies and does so, pecking Gerard's cheek tenderly. Gerard feels hot and sweaty, but that doesn't deter Frank. Then, he points out, "You took a longer jog this morning."

"Oh yes, sorry. I — uh," Gerard stutters for a while, never taking his eyes away from Frank's. This is a good sign that Gerard is no longer afraid of facing Frank. "I sat at the park for a while, just thinking about last night."

"It was amazing, wasn't it? Thank you for going out with me," Frank says kind of dreamily and embraces Gerard, pecking his lips until he hums contentedly.

"It was my pleasure. I loved it and it's been too long since—" Gerard interrupts himself and clears his throat. He is slightly fidgety, and Frank realizes that he is still nervous about mentioning their previous months, but he understands that. "Well, since the last time we did something like that, so comfortably. But anyway, what's this? Why are you naked?"

"Well, it's really, really hot today and I just didn't feel like putting clothes on. I thought you'd like it, too." Frank grins.

"Sure, I like it. I never said that I didn't, but I just don't understand why you'd wait for me in the nude."

huge deal out of it." Frank steps away from Gerard and takes a few steps towards the office, turning his back to Gerard, but he turns his head around to suggest, "Do you wanna join me?"

Gerard laughs gaily. "I'd rather cook lunch with my clothes on."

"We can always order take out!" Frank exclaims, wiggling his eyebrows. He's leaning on one elbow against the doorway to the office and winks at Gerard, who is standing there with that anticipation in his eyes, looking Frank up and down, taking Frank in, but Frank chooses to ignore it. Nothing is going to happen today until Gerard makes a move first.

"And who's gonna open the door to the delivery guy?" Gerard asks, sounding like he's not amused anymore.

Frank laughs, watching Gerard as he gets the pamphlet with their favorite take out possibilities from on top of the fridge. They choose something to eat and make the call. Afterwards, Frank drags Gerard to the bedroom to take his clothes off as well and then, Frank answers the door to the delivery guy completely naked before Gerard can stop him. Gerard just stays behind and after the guy's gone, Frank finds him hiding in the corner between the hall and the entrance area, blushing.

The rest of the day can't go any better than a movie marathon in the living room and putting on aprons to cook dinner, and eating in the balcony as the sun burns orange in the horizon.

And the easy ambiance between them goes on through Wednesday. Both of them go jogging in the morning, then shower together and don't get dressed afterwards until it's time to go out. Frank has a show to play tonight and Gerard comes along, and they stay at the club until it's late and Frank is drunk. Gerard drank a bit too, but he's merely tipsy because he has to drive them home safely. When they go to bed, naked all over again, Frank slurs to Gerard, "I love you so much, Gerard. Thanks for supporting my band and for giving me these wonderful moments in life. You make me so happy. I don't ever want to leave you, okay? So don't ever leave me either."

won't, Frank. I promise."

Frank hums and falls asleep, with his head comfortably placed on Gerard's shoulder.

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