chapter thirteen

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While last month Gerard started having morning erections, this month they notice a bigger change. They spent the weekend at Frank's parents' house to go Christmas shopping all together on both days and when they go back home, Gerard just pulls Frank into their bedroom. He pulls on Frank's arm either playfully or eagerly, but soon Frank understands what Gerard really wants from him. It doesn't take much brain to figure it out when Gerard wraps himself around Frank's body and kisses his mouth fiercely, or when Gerard pulls away to undress Frank and pushes him onto the bed. It's even more obvious when Gerard climbs over Frank, supporting his weight with his elbows on both sides of Frank's head.

Frank grins at Gerard because he looks so beautiful right now, hair falling over his face, smiling back like he wants Frank all to himself. Frank lets Gerard kiss him and they stay there for a long time, Frank feeling warm inside and out, and Gerard even starts rubbing himself against Frank's crotch. It's something Frank is used to, but tonight there's something different about it. Gerard is moaning and rubbing harder, and Frank breaks the kiss and rolls them around to look down at Gerard's middle and see what's going on.

Gerard is hard.

The appointment last week showed that things were progressing nicely for Gerard and here he is sporting a nice erection. It's not up to full size yet, but Frank grins at the sight and then at Gerard, climbing over his body and kissing him hard on the mouth. He grabs Gerard's cock to celebrate this night that will most likely start a new phase in their life.

the kiss, Frank lies next to Gerard, still touching his dick as Gerard closes his eyes and delights Frank with a few moans. It's beautiful. Frank wraps himself around Gerard, kissing his neck and fondling his slight hard-on and then his balls, and then using a finger around Gerard's hole. He alternates his actions until Gerard bucks his hips up and moans into Frank's new bruising kiss.

Nothing really happens, except Gerard's clear peak of pleasure and the quick deflating of his cock, but Frank is rather pleased with this moment. When Gerard slides an arm around Frank and hugs him tight, using his legs too afterwards, Frank is smiling and releases a giggle that affects Gerard as well, but soon it dies down.

Gerard sighs. "What just happened?"

"I think I jerked you off, but you were only half hard. But... you're back. That means the treatment is working really well. A month from now you won't be needing any more pills, you'll see."

Gerard smiles. "I love your enthusiasm, Frank. Thank you for being with me through this. It's been very difficult to deal with this, but taking up the courage to tell you as soon as it began would have saved us months of fighting. Still, you never gave up on me. You have never abandoned me during these years and I don't think I can ever thank you enough for staying beside me, but I want you to know that I feel very fortunate. You're an amazing person, but you have no idea how lucky I feel to have been the one to keep you. I love you."

Frank smiles, caressing Gerard's face. "I love you, Gerard. I love you so much."

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