chapter ten

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Thursday morning, Frank wakes up all of a sudden and his first thought is that he's hard. He might have had a dream, but he doesn't remember anything in particular, but his cock is heavy and his skin is damp. He looks to the side and Gerard is still sleeping, lying on his back with his mouth slightly open and emitting a low snore. Frank remembers one of his ideas and takes a hand to Gerard's crotch, finding it not hard, which still concerns him. He kisses Gerard's face, bites his neck, rubs his skin, wanting to wake Gerard up. When Gerard starts mumbling and Frank is sure he won't go back to sleep, he sits up, leans back against his pillow and wraps a hand around his own cock, jerking off.

He keeps looking at Gerard as he works over his hard dick, moaning Gerard's name softly once in a while. When Gerard catches his gaze, finally awake, Frank doesn't look away. Gerard doesn't even react; he just holds a confused look in his eyes, which then turns into utter anticipation as he watches, looking Frank up and down. Frank keeps jerking off, moaning and humming and keeping his eyes open, showing Gerard how good he feels. Gerard has always had a kink for watching Frank masturbating, struggling to keep his eyes open as pleasure takes over his entire body.

Frank comes in slow spasms, but he doesn't care to look at his crotch. Gerard is still focused on him, and then he's spent and Gerard is sitting up to lean over Frank. They're kissing in the next second, Frank moaning the remains of his bliss into Gerard's mouth until Gerard ends up lying on top of Frank.

They spend the whole morning in bed, cuddling and making out and getting Frank off a second time. There is no jogging today and breakfast is late and, in the afternoon, they go to the beach and take a walk by the shore that takes over two hours. Frank is happy to be sharing this bond and these moments with Gerard all over again, one arm wrapped around Gerard's middle the whole time. They go back and buy a take away meal in a restaurant close to their building and, after the food is gone and the game show they're watching on TV is over, Frank announces, "I'm going to take a shower."

Frank doesn't plan on taking much time, but he's surprised when Gerard opens the shower curtain. He's naked, too. "Can I?" Frank nods and waits for Gerard to step inside the shower cabin gently.

When they turn off the water, Gerard kneels down so Frank can wash his hair and they wash each other carefully, sharing caresses and hums and little moans. In the end, they're both clean and smelling good as they rinse the foam off of their bodies, and then Gerard kisses Frank rather suddenly, catching him by surprise. Frank opens his mouth under Gerard's insistent lips, hot and wet and everything Frank needs. He wraps himself around Gerard, arms around his neck, one leg around his hips until Gerard slides his arms down under Frank's ass and lifts him up easily.

With both his legs now around Gerard's body, Frank lets Gerard push him against the wall, Frank's cock trapped in between them, hard as a rock. He moans and feels the touch of Gerard's body everywhere, the shower wall feeling cold against his back, and that feels fantastic after this deep lack of love. This kiss, and Gerard's chest so close and warm, drives Frank crazy and breathless, and he pulls away from the kiss to stare into Gerard's eyes. They're dark and profound, and Frank finds only love and want in them, as they pant in the shower.

Gerard says, "You're so beautiful, so young and attractive and everything I could ever want. I love you so much." He repeats this last sentence over and over again while Frank weaves his hands through Gerard's longish hair. In the end, Frank eagerly searches for Gerard's open mouth to engage them in another rightful kiss.

Frank pulls slightly on Gerard's hair to say something and his voice comes out strangled when he demands, "Take me to bed."

"Say that again." Gerard hums and Frank obeys, his voice still cracking with every word. Gerard interrupts him and covers Frank's lips with his, hands tight on Frank's ass and making him burn with desire. When Gerard breaks the kiss, it's with a groan and he says, "It's my pleasure to do so."

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