chapter eleven

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Frank and Gerard are at the hospital. Gerard came to meet Frank here an hour ago, as Frank now works full time. He still works as an assistant in the Psychology ward, because joining the Police force has proved to be difficult. Frank has sent in his application and is waiting to be called to perform tests and hopefully be granted a position, since he struggled so hard through college to get qualified for a Profiler job.

For now, he's still at the hospital and Gerard is with him, in the waiting room of the Urology ward, waiting to be called.

Gerard scheduled an appointment back in August after Frank convinced him to call the urologist he had been recommended, and thankfully Dr. Yarn was very helpful. Just last week, Gerard had a lot of tests done, including a general check-up and more specific ones to his reproductive system, and even actual tests to his genitalia. Frank hadn't been allowed to be with Gerard during those tests; he had to wait in the waiting room for hours and it had been pretty heartbreaking to see Gerard leave the hospital with an uncomfortable expression and in a quiet mood. Frank didn't dare to question him, but the next day they spoke about what he had felt and Frank consoled him the best he could.

Today, a week later, Gerard came to meet Frank at the end of his shift and now they're just sitting here, waiting. Frank spent the weekend completely uneasy and on the edge, watching and supporting Gerard as he was so anxious about this moment. Frank tried to show Gerard that he can relax and they had a few cute moments together, cuddling, watching movies or simply talking about things unrelated to Gerard's physical condition. That process continues now, as Frank picks up the newspaper he bought before Gerard arrived, hoping to pass a soothing message.

article that catches his attention, another child pornography scandal involving Catholic priests and he silently praises Gerard for always having been a respectable person instead of a pervert like those men. They were supposed to be servants of God, but they were only beasts who molested innocent people. Frank is pretty disgusted with this article, but he is assaulted by a question when he reads what the Vatican had decided to do with the priests.

"How was it when you went to the Vatican?" Frank asks Gerard, but he doesn't reply. Frank looks up, noticing that Gerard is tapping his foot constantly on the floor and biting his nails furiously. Frank smiles softly, understandingly, and takes Gerard's hand down from his mouth. "You're going to hurt yourself. Calm down."

Gerard has a slightly crazed, panicked expression and his hair is standing up at random angles, but Frank weaves his hands through it to straighten it and holds Gerard's hand carefully. Gerard looks at him and murmurs, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I understand that you're nervous, but I was asking you something," Frank tells him softly, squeezing Gerard's hand. It's still so much bigger than Frank's and Frank has always felt so secure while being held by Gerard's hands, but right now he hopes that Gerard feels better by this strong hold that Frank has on him now.

"What is it?"

"You never told me much about your visits to the Vatican," Frank says, realizing that they hadn't talked about this many times during the years they've been together. That's actually a little strange, but there's something else Frank has to add, "I'd like to go there with you some day. I've been curious about the city my whole life."

take you there." Frank notices that Gerard's answer is vague and tense, which seems a bit strange to him, and then Gerard starts biting another nail.

Frank shakes his head at all this nervousness and, although he understands, he knows Gerard's worry is unnecessary. He says, "Don't be so nervous. It's gonna be alright, you'll see. I'm sure you're fine."

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