Chapter 14

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Elsa's POV

I froze, i didn't know what to do or what to say, should i tell the truth? But if i tell her then she might not handle the truth.

The truth always hurt, i took a deep breathe then said, "sweetie, if i tell you then i would think you wouldn't handle the pain, i don't want you to suffer just like what happened to me....."

She looked down cast, "ella, i know how badly you want to know the answer, but i can't, i'm sorry....., i don't want you to cry, i don't want you to be sad, i don't want you to be hurt, i want you to be happy....." i said.

Ella began sobbing, "you want me to be happy.....,but i can't, i want the answer so badly...., i don't want secrets...., i want the truth....., i want to know who i am and i want to know who's my dad....., you make me happy, but the truth is i'm not....., i want to know....., please don't be mad....."

I bit my lip, i didn't know that she felt this way, "oh sweetie, i'm not mad....., you know...., i know how you feel....., i've felt that a lot of times....., i didn't want you to know cause...... i'm afraid of things...., you have a weak heart...., if i tell you then it would break your heart and cause you pain...., if i tell you the truth, of who's your dad and why doesn't he ever come back and your sister....., i'm just too afraid......" i said wipping her tears.

"Mom, tell me please......" she said as tears fell down her cheek.

"I can't i'm sorry....., i just can't....." i said then left the room.

I left my apartment, the saw jack, "elsa, i'm really sorry if..... hurt you....., i know what i did was hurtful and caused you pain, but i'm sorry....., i didn't know....." jack said looking at worried.

"Back then you thought i was fine with everything....., you didn't how much that hurts me....., jack, i'm twenty-five years old!, i have a daughter!, i have a job and i'm stuck with you at least three more weeks..... and now you say sorry?!, who are you?!" I asked frustrated.

"Jack!!" Someone called, i saw a girl with beautiful golden hair and green emerald eyes, she wears a blue tang dress and black heels.

She hugged jack tightly which made me hurt more, she noticed me, "honey?, who's she?" She asled jack as she looks at me with a frown on her face.

Something tells me shes really not that sweet and nice.....

"P-punzie!, what are you doing here?" He asked.

"Well i got so tired of being stuck inside the frost mansion so i went to san fransokyo!, then i'm so happy to see you!" She said as she hugged jack more tightly.

Jack looked at me like he was saying sorry, i rolled my eyes in irritation, "what's wrong honey?, aren't you happy to see me?" She asked making goo goo eyes.

"Of course i am...." jack replied, she released jack from her hug then looked at me frowning searching me, "who are you?, better not be some dumb girl who's trying to get my husband?" She said looking at furiously.

My eyes wided, "husband?, you're jack's wife?" I asked.

Her frown disappeared, "Of course i am!, why?, do you plan to steal my jackie from me?" She asked frowning again.

"Why would i want jack?, i'm just his temporary secretary....." i said crossing my arms then trun around making them face my back.

Trust is, i do like jack, i miss him so much, i never wanna let him go, but his wife's back, and i don't want her wife to get hurt as i did.

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