Chapter 2

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He looked at me in the eyes curiously.

Ella's my daughter......, I gave her birth and raised her by myself...... i said simply.

Who's the father? He asked frowning.

Why?, does it even matter to you if found out? I asked.

No, i'm just wondering......, but whoever is the father i'll beat him up if he messes with you..... he said clenching his fist.

The father is you!, you moron!

So......, how's it going?, i heard that you're married with some girl......  I asked hiding my sadness away.

Pretty good and yes, i'm married.....and of course i very much love my wife..... he said normally and doesn't even care if he hurted my feelings.

Oh. I said.

Ouch, that hurts....

Do you have a child? I asked.

He shooked his head simply, nope, i'm just not ready yet.... he said.

Hmm...., it looks like he doesn't love me anymore...., but that doesn't matter!, i have a daughter and i have to take care of her no matter what!

So let's talk about you...., do you have a husband?, a boyfriend? He asked frowning.

Nope..., i don't have a husband or a boyfriend...., never had a husband, but once had a boyfriend....., until he loved another girl..... i said downcast then ignored my pain.

He sighed, i've told you elsa...., i didn't left you..... he said.

Then why did you leave me alone?, left me downcast? And left me broken? , you never change do you? I asked then stood up then walked away.

I was right.... you doesn't love or care about me.... i can't believe i gave you my heart.... loved you no matter what you did.... i thought you felt the same way as i did.... but i was wrong.... you just left me....

Next day....

I was woken up my alarm clock, i toke a shower then weared a white polo, black skirt, black heels, my hair style was french braid, i weared my eye shadows and pink blushes on my cheeks even though i have rosy cheeks.

I looked at my daughter, she was looking at her stuffed teddy bear like she's thinking of something.

Ella, dear?, what are you doing? I asked.

She turned to me then smiled, nothing mommy...., who was that man last night? She asked.

I stayed silent then gave her a warm smile, he was just a friend of mine that's coming with us today...., now come on ella...., let's dress you up..... i said then grabbed her cute little blue snowflake designed dress, then helped her weared it.

When i finished helping her, i looked at her smiling, she looks just like me, but more looks like him...

I miss him, i miss his hugs, the way he kissed me..., but he left me, he didn't tell me why, did i loved him enough?, was i taking our relationship too seriously?, tell me why?

I bit my lower lip then looked down cast, mommy, is something bothering you? She asked.

No sweetie...., just remembered a friend.... i said.

Mommy, when is daddy coming back? She asked.

She doesn't know about his father, i told her that his father went back to burgess.

Tell Me Why? (Jelsa & Jackunzel)Where stories live. Discover now