Part 11- Parting

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So there is a reason for the late update. You want to hear it? No? Well too bad I'm still going to tell you anyways.

It was a normal day, I was feeling great since I finished this part which is 800 words longer than usual. Then BANG a vase came falling down a large cabinet and fell right on top of my head. No joke. And it gave a really loud sound my family screamed when they heard it, but no I did not pass out thankfully. However I think my brain malfunctioned a bit because I can't seem to solve a problem in math. Anyways thankfully I written this chapter in advanced or you probably won't be reading this right now.

Thanks for listening to my short story willingly or unwillingly, (you still read it anyways) Please vote to cure my poor head! (My head will really appreciate it and might come up with more parts/chapters!)

Enjoy the chapter!

Once I opened my eyes, I was outside again, I saw Archangel Michael looking at me, he squeezed out a tight lipped smile, he looked sympathetically at me.

My memory when I went into the room was blurry, even the appearance of the Lord, it seems all hazy.

However I still remember what we discussed. The situation seemed grave however, The Lord made it seem like a very simple matter.

I think He said something about the powder in the pouch in my hands.

It had one word written on it,


He said if I put it on myself I would be invisible to the realms I go to, except Heaven of course.

The only downside, if I get a wound from that realm. Or the powder exceeds 24 hours. Even though I can reapply,  it risks me of being seen.

I sighed, The Lord also said that the only way to go to Neutral, is through Hell.

I can return if I found the missing part of the spirit core. And Stabilize everything.

However the most important question is how I can do that?

I'm no superman, nor a hero, I'm just a teenager who wants to play games for the rest of my life. And live peacefully and comfortably. Maybe even experience things I have never done.

However being here was never one of my plans, it was unexpected and the only unknown factor I have not calculated. Things just don't go as planned. No matter how much I whine about my situation.

I tried to cope with the information transferred in my head. I think it actually made me smarter.

I caught Archangel Michael staring at me weirdly as I was talking to myself. I must have been dazing into space for a while.

"Oh, where's the road to Hell?"


"Forgot to tell you, I have to go through Hell,"

"Have you lost your marbles kiddo?"

I scratched my chin, "Nope, everything is in its place. My brain is perfectly clear and fine,"

He flicked my forehead and I subconsciously blinked revealing a stunned look.

He smirked "Definitely wrong."

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