Part 18- Hades

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I wasn't be able to post because there was no wifi. Yes NO WIFI!😭

Moving on

This chapter may be a little bloody. Yes this is a warning.

After the illusions I went through, I got sick on the flight to Hades's castle. That's why I threw up every now and then. And somehow I fell asleep.


Location: Hades's castle

We were at the gates of the castle as the guards came to check the intruders(us).
They used a device which looked like a hair blower to scan us. Then they used the hair blower thingy to press into our skin and imprinted us with this weird symbol. A triangle with an eye on the middle. It tattooed on my skin but disappeared quickly when Death touched it.

"Greetings sire, his Liege is waiting for you at the torture chamber. Please follow me as we proceed into the castle. And I hope sire will stick to the rules," the soldier said as he glared at me.

I began to sweat, people here aren't friendly at all. But they are more civilized than the northern part of hell. But they couldn't control their bloodlust, seriously I'm not joking.

Death per usual ignored him and just went into the castle like he owned it, paying no mind to the guards who obstructs his way.

I quickly followed behind him and sometimes stealing glances at the creatures who were sending murderous glares or roars at me every time I pass them. Did they figure out that I was a human? Or are they just really pissed off of Death's behavior that they decided to target me instead? (Since compared to Death I'm a much easier target.)

After what seemed like a maze with some traps thrown here and there, and I almost died because I couldn't handle all the traps on my own. We finally reached the torture chamber. We went into the door and the word torture sounds a little light compared to what I see in front of me.

There was a huge pit, with a lot of deceased humans who looked like they were starved. They were all skin and bones, they're eyes sullen and they are piled on top of one another, they were still breathing however it was faint. You could hear the loud growls made by their hungry stomaches.

Then there was a gas chamber where humans were slowly poisoned to death that came with excruciating pain. The gas slowly penetrated their body and slowly chokes them while they gasp for breath. Their eyes wide and their mouths open when they die.

And to my left I saw humans slowly got their tongue cut out, ears, eyes, skin, finger, toe and many more. Buckets of body parts were arranged in a corner and the demons ate them as snacks. Those humans were also slowly sliced up and skinned alive

Then to my right I saw humans having something injected to them as one of their body parts slowly became large and explode. Or their body parts would shrink so much that it would be twisted to cause pain, the body part falls off of its own as it left the human screaming and crying.

Then there were poles in the celling where humans were tied up and beaten up to death by a whip, a paddle or even a fist.

And to I think I have seen all the tortures hell can offer me. I think this torture has one thing in common. Humans are killed slowly and able to feel the agony of dying and helplessness. It is more cruel than just a quick death. I shivered.

My incredulity  towards this cruelty does not help in this situation. I took deep breaths to calm my heart.

Thump, thump, thump

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