Universe (part juan) (n:

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I was walking around the void, I see the lives of all the monsters down in the underground, I also see a lot of other AUs, they're all so unique. They all have their lives to live and so do I.

I never tried messing with any of the time lines or universes, because I know that would screw things up. I see some new AUs arrive, and some have been here since I've showed up. I honestly don't remember how I've gotten here, I think I'm here because...I'm dead? I don't know. I have powers, I can open portals to the other universes, but I don't. I love all the AUs I think of them as my babies, they need protecting, but sometimes occasionally if there's a new AU I tend to visit it, just to get a personal close up look.

That is what I'm going to do right now. A new AU showed up, I didn't have time to check it out, someone was messing with the AUs again...

They've stopped, hopefully. I opened a portal to the new universe and I was instantly blinded by bright colors and Illuminati signs everywhere. I was at the start of the game. A flower was in the middle of a patch of neon green grass, he had a gold chain and, to be honest cool shades. He looked up at me.

"hey there, names flowey, flowey the fresh flower"

After talking to fresh flowey he got out of the ground and gave me an evil glare, a skateboard came rolling in and he hopped on it

"Listen closely bro, It's SKATE OR BE SKATE" skate or be skate? Okay? Fresh flowey drove off, doing a kick flip, or root flip? I don't know but I was impressed.

I walked a bit more and I met Toriel, or what seems to be a hip version of her. We walked through the ruins, which was filled with graffiti art. Toriel says she loves making graffiti.

Later on she gives me a Cell phone, she leaves.

I call her after waiting a few minutes for her to come back. She asks me a weird question

"What do you prefer most, Mt. Dew, or Dr. Pepper" I choose Dr. Pepper "So un-rad" she says to me


I walk out of the big door after finishing a dance battle with Toriel, I won of course, I learned all my moves in DanceTale.

Everything was of course brightly colored, Illuminati signs and pepes were flying all over the place. I keep on walking till I'm stuck infront a big bridge with a lot of graffiti art on it.

"I guess sans would be coming 'bout-" I get cut off by a skateboard flying over my head

"Wiggidy, wiggidy, whats up my broseph" his hand went into the air, gesturing for a highfive, which I gladly gave him "Your a human right? Ridiculously cool my broski, names Sansy Fresh, call me Fresh though." I inspected him, he looked, SO COOL! I fangirled, I've never seen a super cool fresh dude like him. "Aye take a friggidy fresh picture it'll last longer" I blushed noticing that I've been staring at him for a few minutes, probably. He gets on his skate board and rides off.

"Strange, he's supposed to warn me about his bro, Papyrus." I then had a second thought...This place is quite different, It looks like the white void but with land. The sky, has...a sky, but like a white sky, and there are Mountain Dews and well sometimes there are a bunch of colorful triangles that fill the air, like the background of a hip video in the 90's.

I don't know what was going on, maybe I should've let this universe develop a bit more.

I open a portal 'back to the void' I sighed, Ill maybe come back to this place. After it develops more.



This chapter was mainly explaining how the place looks like, ya dig? it won't be a story, just a one shot, this one chapter will become a series through out the story, but ill also mix in a little of the one-shotness into it, like different scenarios, broski's LISTEN UP. This ONE chapter will have a part 2 but LOOK AT THE TITLE its a one-shot so don't get your panties in a twist just because there was no romance in THIS one, don worry my main mans (n:

"Take a chill pill, those grow on trees here"

cya on the flip side. *Kick flips onto the publish button"

Rad one shot brah. (Sansy fresh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now