In which he breaks your soul

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Its been a few months, you've been dating Error sans for a while (deal w/ it). It was pretty great you've never known how nice he could be, but he's been quite distant for a couple of weeks now, he hardly has time to do anything with you.

Errors distance has left you to hang out with your old chum, Fresh! It was also okay, but it wasnt as thrilling as hanging out with your skeleman, not to be rude.

Fresh and you were having a staring contest, not that you guys agreed on having one it just happened because your mind was drifting off into 'Im in deep thought land' noticing your unplanned staring contest you snap back into reality, 'oh yeah we were drawing stuff'

"You're staring" you tell the colorful 90's skeledude

"Yo, ya started it, home gurl" he says giving you fingerguns "I was just thinking" you say "bout' me n you?" You roll your eyes at that "You know I'm with Error" he gives you a frustrated look and then mumbles to himself "What was that?" He rests his head on the table your currently sitting at he was holding his drawing...

"Yo, ya started it, home gurl" he says giving you fingerguns "I was just thinking" you say "bout' me n you?" You roll your eyes at that "You know I'm with Error" he gives you a frustrated look and then mumbles to himself "What was that?" He rests ...

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"I uh..said 'yeah', as in yeah I know your dating him." Weird. He didn't use his 90's talk. You noticed his drawing that was on the table, he was currently covering it with his phalanges.
"I just don't get the drift, ya know" there it is. "What do you mean?" He sighs "I can't tell you, but uh- yeah grill cmon lets continue the drawing sesh." You look at your unfinished drawing and back to Fresh "what do you mean you can't tell me?" He doesn't respond "are you keeping something from me?" Still no comment.

Deciding it'd be best to leave him alone, you continue drawing but this time not really feeling up to it, it was just so you can ignore the awkward silence.

"I just dont want you hurt." He spoke up, after a few minutes of his awkward finger tapping. "Huh? Oh, please I'm super tough!" You flex to prove your point, not like you have the big muscles to flex. He chuckles then he goes back to resting his head on the table.

"Listen y/n, do you know where Error is"

"Well duh he's- "

"Do you KNOW where Error is" you pause. No. You don't.
"B-but um, he's probably somewhere like hah...destroying aus, and fighting Ink while doing so, I know what he does..." he stands up

"Please, please listen to me y/n... I like you, a lot..." his face is the brightest shade of blue you've ever seen "Fresh I-" he shushes you "Let me finish. I want to be with you so badly, Error doesnt deserve you! He- he lies to you!" As he speaks he quickens his ranting till you don't understand what he's saying untill he finishes with a big- "HE'S CHEATING ON YOU!" you felt your heart sink into the deepest pits of your stomach.

You chuckle nervously "Y-yeah right, haha nice try're lying. Right?" He shakes his head "I can show you"

He takes your hand and your instantly pulled into the darkest part of the Ani-Void where Error has all his puppets hanging from the 'ceiling'

"Error how long are we going to keep this up?" You hear a breathy voice call from somewhere in the room. Turning your head to the source of the sound, if your heart was in the pit of your stomach, it has now completely dissolved.

There, displayed infront of you almost clearly you spot. Error pinning, is that? Ink?! You get up from your crouching position, and out of your hiding spot

"Y-y/n?!" Ink speaks up when he see's you approaching.

"What the hell?! How- how long has this...why...Error why didnt, why are" you can't even manage a proper sentence "I- I'm sorry, I-" your anger has piled up, tears over flow. "Shut up! I don't want to see your nasty cheating face again!" Fresh was behind you now.

Error knew that Fresh found out a while ago, and he told him many times to not tell you. Just the fact of him seeing him here he instantly pieced it together, that abomination had told you!
He gave the virus a death glare, which was quickly returned.

"Lets get out of here y/n" you had been clinging onto Fresh, crying into his colorful jacket and trying not to tackle the other colorful freak, named Ink.

Both of you where back this time on your sofa, you still clinging onto Fresh as if it was if you let go you'd fall into a never ending hole.

"This is why I didn't want to tell you.." you look up at Fresh with your tear stained face. "Why, why did you keep this a secret though, i-it doesn't make you any better than he is!" Your tears follow the same path down your cheeks. He sighs "Y/n you want me to tell you the whole story?" You nod.

"It was a about two weeks ago when I found out...I was mad. I asked Error why was he doing this when he had the most precious person already. He told me not to tell you, he said he was dating Ink for a few months " you interrupt him "but I've been dating Error for a few months..." he wiped your tears, but to no avail, they just kept on coming.

"He told me...uh...please, don't cry...he told me when you asked him out he...did it out of pity" you let out a small wine from this and hid your face back into his jacket, if the tears weren't like waterfalls then, obviously they are now.

"Y/n, I didn't want to keep this from you. I shouldn't of have, I feel like I should've told you the instant I found out but, Error he pleaded, and I decided, maybe I could blackmail him a little? Oh flip I'm making it sound worse."

" I was hoping he would possibly break up with you so I wouldn't have to tell you myself, but he just kept at it, at first he tried to spend as much time with you so you wouldn't suspect anything, but from a few weeks ago, he started spending more time with him, and I knew he was giving you excuses, like 'oh I'm going to work byee'" he imitates Error "he was playing you, you'd think he was out doing his 'job' but he was actually doing other, 'jobs'" the story ties in all together,  that's why you didn't see him all that much, that's why whenever he'd come home late he seemed nervous when you asked him what he was doing, he'd always say 'the usual' and scratched the back of his skull.

"Y/n look at me" you did as you were told "will you be..okay?" You bring your legs to your chest "I can't believe all these months, he was just...toying with me" you rest your chin on your knees.

"I...uh...y/n...I know you're in a lot of stress right now, but I just wanted you to know...I'm here for you..." he trails off "y/n I would never hurt you"

You look at him, you see the words on his shades fade and form new letters


Sorry for my super amazingly cheesey chapter, I noticed how long it was getting so I had to stop it there....

I was gonna make a makeout session and then for the next chapter it'll continue into a smutt BUT NOPE NOT UNTILL I GET A

WOOP WOOP! woop for the smut!

Im joking you know Ill eventually make a smut.

Rad one shot brah. (Sansy fresh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now