fresh paper

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  Lol fresh paper is a ship name for fresh and notp, which is also my otp? I like it and I hate it causs FRESH IS OURS BACK OFF JAMMY. Here is your story.

Currently you where hanging out with your best friend Ink, he and you where having a drawing contest, Error was the judge, though he really didnt want to be, cause he didn't care.

"Ink I know your gonna win" you whine "Oh, come on don't think like that y/n! Say something like...'im gonna win no matter what'" you huff "Fine. I'm gonna win no matter what" you fist pump the air "Thats the spirit!"

Annnd, he won. Obviously. Though you didn't mind atleast you made a decent drawing, and plus Error just picked without even looking at them, so he won by default? Whatever.

Now you guys where just drawing for fun, until a portal opened out of no where.

Just as the portal opened, a colorful skeleton jumped through with a skateboard. "Yo yo yo, what is up my friggidy fresh bros" Error groans "Ugh its him ." Error gets up and walks away "So what'd ya doing on this radtastical day my homies" Ink scoffs "heh..we ah, were just gonna..." Ink looks at you "We where drawing" you smile at the skeledude, Ink facepalms "Yeah, we were drawing" Fresh sit down crossing his legs "mind if I join ya bros" he says as he grabs a blank sheet of paper in our paper pile, he then grabed a crayon and began drawing. Ink looked at me and wrote something down, he then passed it to me.

'What do we do now?' Oh. Did Ink not like Fresh? You certainly knew Error didn't cause he obviously showed it but Inky? You wrote back 'oh come on he's not that bad' then slid the paper back to him, and also began drawing.

Few minutes of peaceful silence, (but for Ink it was awkward silence) Fresh spoke up "done! I finished before ya brosphes!" You giggled but Ink just kept on drawing "Its not a race Fresh, we already HAD a drawing competition, but you missed it sorry" wow salty much ink? Ink gets up and stretches "Any-who I have to do, gotta finish a couple of paintings, see if Error is messing with any Aus you know the usual" he opens a portal "sorry I couldnt hang out any longer but duty calls, lets hang out later y/n, okay byee" he jumps through the rip and closes it really quickly "Fresh since your done can I see your drawing?" He seems to tense as you say this "Hah no thanks, you um, you might copy! Yeah.." you roll your eyes "nu uh, I wouldnt copy" he folds his drawing and puts it in his pocket "nah, maybe some other time" you huff "fine, hey wanna see mine??" You hold out your drawing "wow, wicked drawing y/n" he takes it from your hands "heh, mine is better though" then he hands it to you "Can I be the judge of that?" He shakes his head "answer is still nopery" you sigh.

You guys keep drawing for a few more minutes, but it gets boring so Fresh decides..."wanna watch me do some tricks?" You nod and he hopped on his skate board and began doing his radical tricks, rainbow flying out of the skateboard making it look like he's flying

He kick flips a couple of times and does even more tricks, you look down and see he dropped something from his pocket, you pick it up "oh his drawing" Fresh rides over to you with his skateboard "hey y/n did ya like that fresh trick?" He looks at your hand "what cha got ther-" he stiffens "hah, you um mind giving me that back, hehe" you unfold it "come on y/n its really...not that good" you unfold it all the way

You observe the drawing, heat rises to your cheeks "Awe fresh" you smile and he nervously chuckles "hehe

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You observe the drawing, heat rises to your cheeks "Awe fresh" you smile and he nervously chuckles "hehe...what how did that get there" he laughs "I-i didnt draw that" you smile at his nervousness and walk over to him. "Thats really cute fresh" you hug him. "Y-you dont mind..?" You shake your head "I like really like you too fresh" he relaxes and hugs back "homie I've actually liked you for a while, didn't think you'd like me back" he chuckles you pull away from the warm hug.

"You're right, your drawing is better than mine"

Oh my gosh, heheh i drew the thingly btw but omg you guys are the best I love every single comment and vote it makes me smile soo much, I decided to make another chapter just for you, its 1am but who cares lol
Thank you for reading.

What ya guys think if I draw for some of these chapters instead of getting some random pic from the internet, just a suggestion.

Rad one shot brah. (Sansy fresh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now