Friendliest club

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   This includes the AUs (n:

    You where at school walking around, books in your arms trying not to bump into anyone in the halls. The Barrier was broken and all sorts of monsters where in your school so It was hard to navigate through the halls without stopping to stare at some of the marvelous looking monsters.

 You have to keep reminding your self! Y/n stop staring! ya creepo. Having the monsters in your school wasn't that bad, before it was just boring but they made it more, diverse and interesting. More clubs were formed in your school, like the chess club, and a dance club. Right now everyone was either going home or to their clubs. The art club got extremely popular because a really talented monster artist was in it, I heard his art work was spectacular. There is another club that didn't really peak your interest at first, the Friend Club, but after meeting the president of the Friend Club, you noticed he was very, very kind and sweet and he asked you to join the club. How could you say no to those starry eyes?

That is where you're headed right now, Friend...Club...I hope it's good, I don't want to join a club that won't appeal to me, I really don't wan't to disappoint anyone by leaving the group. You passed the music room and the art room, then finally you got to a class room, this class room is where they will be holding the first meeting for Friend club.

You open the door and walk in to see the president and four other monsters in the room, but they all looked the same, but different? The president was the first to get up.

"Oh! oh! you're here!" the small president squeals with excitement "Yeah, I hope you didn't have to wait that long" you lie your books on a counter and walk to the center of the room, where a long table is placed with seven chairs, one at the end, probably for the president, and three on the side, and two vacant chairs. I take a seat next to a really colorful skeleton with shades on. 

"Welcome everyone to Friend Club! This is our first meeting and today we're going to talk about how we're going to make this club be the best club it can be! And also today we're going to set some rules! But before we do any of that, I wan't to introduce you  to our first human Friend Club member!" everyone in the room claps, this might not be so bad "Well lets start off with introducing ourselves! I am US sans, but you can call me Blueberry" Blueberry clapped his hands excitedly

"I am ScienceTale sans, but you can call me Sci" Sci the one with glasses spoke up "ALSO! I'm the minister of WAR, do not get in my way!" Sci laughs evilly and so does the guy next to him, Blueberry shakes his head "I am Underfell sans! I don-" "You can call him Edgy Mc my chemical romance" the guy next to me chuckles "YOU DARE INTERRUPT ME YOU *RAD*-HOLE" 'Edgy' looks confused for a second "Ey, that kinda lingo ain't gonna fly here" Blueberry stands up "Guys, guys! This is not how you make a first impression!" 

"Th-that right y-y-you idiots." The one that was being quiet the whole time gets up from his seat "I a-am Error." The guy next to me jumps from his seat "And I am your rad dude bro Underfresh sans, but baby you can just call me Fresh" he pulls up his glasses and winks "Haha, Well It's really nice to meet you all, My name is Y/n" I smile and Blueberry has stars in his eyes, again.

"Now that were done introducing ourselves lets get to work!"

Blueberry gave us the rules to Friend Club I decided to write them down, better save than sorry, right? Then after we did that Blueberry brought in some tacos, they were delicious! Everyone sat down and talked to each other, Fresh was super interesting, his way of speaking was hilarious .

Soon enough it was time to leave, I waved goodbye to everyone and left. To my surprise Fresh came after me riding on his skateboard.

"Hey, ya don't mind If walk with you right?" you shook your head "It's fine , but you really don't have to" he got off his skateboard "Ya, know there can be really un-rad people out here, you might want a radical guy like me to fight off those un-cool bros, catch my drift?" I nod "That might be true"

"You know, I'm glad a brocha-cha like you joined our club,  no one wanted to join besides me, error, edge, and sci. It kind of made Blue, a, ya know what I mean?" I nod

Fresh and I kept walking, some small talk came up, mostly about the club. After a while of talking I stopped.

"Welp this is my street" Fresh got on his skateboard "Hey, It was fun talkin' with cha, lets hang out some other time" I smile "Sure, definitely" Fresh rolls away "Cya on the flip side broski" he waves while rolling away on his skateboard.

Heyo guys, sorry haven't updated, im such a doo doo head (n: Im doing this at like 3 am so If there are any spelling mistakes, fix them with your mind powers, or point them out in the comments, either is fine. Also I know there isn't any looooooves in this chapter its just like ooo they're friends now, just use your imagination on what their future is. lmao my shemiji of Fresh sans keeps on grabbing onto my mouse.


I might, miiiight, MIGHT do lemons. oh what the heck! of course there's going to be a lemon somewhere! (n: just ask for it.

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