Universe part (three) (n:

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As you may all not know...SCHOOL IS IN TWO DAYS FOR ME HOLY MAGIKARP! and I won't be posting as much as I have (even though I haven't been posting) so don't be scared when I leave for a while because you can always blame...SCHOOL.

  And a long process it was. I haven't really noticed how many Au's there were! I've even found some new ones! Still no sign of the sans that's destroying the Au's. I look at my list of Au's, I personally made this list not to brag, It's a list of all the Aus I've been to, and ones I might go back to.

I don't know how I ended up in this void. I don't even know why I exist, I just one day...pop! Here I am! I would think its normal, Au's pop up everywhere but where do they come from, where did I come from?

Flipping through my list of Au's I see something in the distance. I look up. What is that? It looks like...A black square. I walk closer to it. This is very odd, I walk around it...its the same on the other side. Its just a floating black square in this blinding white void.

"Has this always been here? No..I'd defiantly notice it, I think?" I gently grazed my fingers along the side of the square. It feels oddly warm...


I stick my hand through the square and look around it too see if my hand popped up on the other side.

No, Its not there...

So by process of elimination I would guess this is a...PORTAL! Or a rip in my void. How did this get here. Actually now that I think about it, how could this possibly be a portal, its so small! I noticed it was blowing a light warm breeze.

As I was moving my arm around, I hit the side of the square, and it...it expands!


What if...I could expand it enough so I could walk through it! "Y/n you're a genius, why thank you Y/n"

I expand it downwards to my feet, then I expand the sides, and I lift the top part a little to match my height, and voilà! 

Now what.

Maybe I should walk through...but that would be dangerous what if I...GET ERASED OUT OF EXISTENCE, but if that's the case why is my arm still here. I guess It wouldn't hurt to take a peek.

I slowly poke my head inside. "What the..?" It's pitch black. No lights, nothing...just black! I begin to slowly walk my whole body into the dark room.

I'm fully in. I look behind me, the square, that I made into a bigger square, is now pure white instead of being pure black. I turn back around something above me starts to glow...

"Wow...I didn't see those up there..."

The whole ceiling is lined with blue string, I can't see from here but...multiple things looks tangled in the strings, if I squint the almost look like, puppets?

A big screen pops up, it looks like my screen back in my void, but this one, this one has a lot of files and weird...stuff. I walk over to the screen. A console appears from the ground. It also looks exactly like the one I use...

I begin searching through the boat load of files.

Plans. Huge. Plans.

All of them are about. Destroying Aus!

"My..Accomplishments" I read out loud, and double click the file.

All the Aus, that have been destroyed. All the Aus...I neglected to check.

I feel sick.

"Who is doing this!" I yell out loud. 

I hear a door open, and foot steps. Light whistles, and they pause. I'm face to face with...


sorry for making your eyes bleed from this filler, yup its a filler, because I've been gone for a while, and I want to bring you something juicy so you yalls dont kill me.

I was gonna make a A/n but I was like "A/n's are cruel why should I make a chapter telling them there isn't gonna be a chapter. I'm better than that!"

So here it is. A chapter, that I'm actually pretty proud of!

Rad one shot brah. (Sansy fresh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now