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   "Happy birth day to.." you sigh "me" you stare at the little cupcake its lone candle light illuminating brightly in your dark college dorm room. "Happy birth day to me..." you continue to sing "Happy BIRTH DAY DEAR- me." you giggle "Happy biiiirth day tooo~ me" you blow out the candle and take it off the cupcake, before you threw it in the trash you mad sure to lick the bottom of the candle for the frosting. Then you chuck it into the trash and begin to devour your delicious cupcake.

"Another birthday gone- wrong." You open your laptop and begin to watch videos. The reason for this morbid birthday, is because you're studying in a college thousands of miles away from all your family and friends. Why can't you just invite your friends to your dorm? Well that's an easy question. With all your studying it became hard to focus on friends, sure you made great acquaintances but not enough to call real 'friends'.

 You slide off your bed and open the curtains too your room, light immediately fills the sad dorm room with blinding sun light "Its still day?" you turn your laptop towards you and check the time.  "Five pm..." then you have a thought "Maybe I should go out and make this birth day, not so sucky!" you run out of your room and down the hall "Time to save this birthday!" you slide down the rails instead of using the stairs.

Walking down the street you see a skate park. "Thats fun right?" you walk over to it. Monsters have been around for a few years now, so you weren't surprised to see a few in the area.

"Okay not really my kind of place to hang out, but..." you look around to find a spot to hang out and just relax.

Perfect spot! A little shaded area in the corner of the skate park, a tree's branches hang over the fencing around the skate park creating a nice little chill section just for you.

Just sitting down and enjoying the people do their amazing tricks fills you with DETERMINATION.

You see someone walk over to a ramp that is close to your shaded area, the hop on their skate board and slide on the ramp, full speed ahead, they slide off the ramp and skate over to you.

"Did ya see that radicalness??" You laugh "Yeah, pretty cool." He flips his board and catches it with his hand. "So, gotta ask. What's a pretty lil grill like you doing at this friggidy fresh skate park" the way he talks makes you want to burst out laughing, but you being a nice person decides to keep that laughter for later. "Well I just came out to relax, its my birthday and I really wanted to go out, instead of watching netflix alone like a loser.." 'again' you say in your head. "Whoa ho ho ho, its yo birthday? Well, why aint ya celebrating, arnt birthdays for celebrating?" He asks "Well I really don't have anyone to..celebrate with" you shrug "So relaxing at a skatepark it is" he puts down his skateboard "Well since its ya birthday what kind of fresh tricks ya wanna see today?" You look at him "Huh? Oh um, I really don't know any..heh" he laughs "well leme give ya some options, I can do a nose dive, or if ya want I can do a 50-50 grind" you think for a second "Um, 50-50 grind sounds pretty cool" you smile at him. He gets on his skate board and rolls to the other side of the ramp, back up a little, and charge! He does the 50-50 gride, it was pretty fast, so some sparks fly off, he slides off the end of the ramp, the skateboard still moving, him heading towards you, then stops and his sits down, putting his skateboard between you and him. "What'd ya think little homie?" He asks "That was awesome!" You say "Glad ya liked it bro, hey what'd ya think if I treat ya to lunch" huh? Hes asking you to have lunch with him...

"Sure sounds good" he gets up then holds out a hand for you, you take it and you both begin walking out of the skate park.

You both decided to go to dairy queen. You got ____ icecream (hey i dunno what u like) and he got the same (unless you picked something really gross) "I like comming here a lot, they have the best icecream" he nods "I come here once in a while too, just too ya know, chillax " you smile and keep eating your ice cream "ya know...I didnt quite get cha name homie" he says "oh, its (y/n)" he smiles, well his smile gets bigger "names fresh sans, but ya can just call me fresh"

Some small talk here and there, mostly about your college and what you do, he answered some of your questions, but not most of them, you felt like he danced around a few of them, you dont really mind though.

You both finished your icecreams and it was time to leave. You both walk out. "Thank you for the ice cream, Im glad this birthday wasnt a total bust" he chuckles "hey ya know, maybe we could hang out again next time" he handed you a paper. "Cya next time homie" then he rode away.

You look down "he gave me his number" you smile, then put him in your contacts.

'Fresh dude' you laugh and walk back to your dormitories.

Hey sorry for um..delays? I dunno im lazy and i procrastinate lol

Rad one shot brah. (Sansy fresh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now