Baby sitting

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"Also make sure to not to make the baby food too hot or she'll burn her mouth, and later give Nicholas his formula" currently your older sister is dropping off her kids at your place so you can look after them, what bothers you is, she didn't inform you ahead of time!

Now you are here, with two babies! They. Wont. Stop. Crying!
"Okay Ari eat your nasty squished carrots. Mm nom nom" you pretend to eat it and then turn the spoon to her and begin to airplane it into her mouth.
"See not that bad!" You wipe her face and continue to feed her.

Now onto the smaller baby. "Okie nick nick, here's your bottle" he gleefully takes his bottle and you hold it up so he can suck on it.

You lie back and watch your wonderful niece and nephew. "I'm so great with kids" Oh no. "Ari!" currently all of her mushy carrots are all over your new white pants "that is probably never coming off!" you quickly pull off your pants not caring if the babies saw, because they're babies. Running to the laundry room you can clearly hear the cries of both Ari and Nick so you pick up the pace and throw your pants into the washer.

Something surprises you. The babies aren't crying? Its silent. Worried you run to the living room where you see...

"Fresh?" he's looking at the babies like they're aliens from outer space, and same for the babies, until Ari yells out "puppy!" Fresh shoots you a confused look and you burst out laughing, how couldn't you? That's priceless!

Then it hits you. You're not wearing pants! You are basically are in the middle of the room flashing Fresh your bright lacey-let's be real here- your boxer briefs with donuts printed on them.

"ah..let me get some pants" you trailed off pointing to your room. He looks at your donut briefs "Cute undies" your face flushes with embarrassment and you quickly rush to your room

Fresh's p.o.v

I chuckle as she hurriedly rushed to her room. "Puppy puppy!" I glance behind me. Ughh. I feel a tug on my jacket. "Hey there bud." I get down to their level "what in the world are you?" They look so similar to a human...
"Okaay I'm done. I got into more I-dont-care-if-they-get-messed-up clothing" She comes out with sweatpants and a white tee. Comfortable. She gasps "Fresh don't hold her like that!" I look down and see I'm holding the thing upside down, shes squealing with joy "uhh..they like it!" She takes them from my hold "Fresh you can't hold a baby like that"

 Baby? "Thats a baby? Baby what?" She rolls her eyes "Baby human!" I raised my eyebrows "I've never seen a human that small! I thought the smallest human was you!" I boop her nose, she furrows her eyebrows clearly annoyed. "Sorry my gnarly brochacha" I wink, obviously knowing she wouldn't see "Imagine me winking by the way" that makes her laugh a little.

"Are these wicked little dudes yours?" I ask. If they are, I need to know how they got here. "What? No! No way! This is my niece Ari and my nephew Nick. I would have told you if I had two kids." She explains. "Yeah, if you hadn't that totally wouldn't have been tubular." She chuckled and leads me to the couch, while holding the baby human 'Nick'. "Let's watch some cartoons so that these little rascals can fall asleep faster. The sooner the better."
"So what do you want to watch?"
"I dunno, SpongeBob seems pretty far out right now." I reply. She nods and puts on SpongeBob. It puts the kids to sleep pretty fast. The episode is interesting. It's something about sand in their buns. The red lobster dude seems pretty rad, I think he's my favorite. I ended up with the small human, Ari, cuddled up on my chest. And (name) is at my side holding the smaller human. After watching this figgidy fresh episode of the sponge dude, I put blankets on all of us and fall asleep. I think I like (name).

Hi I'm not the author she had writer's block I'm her friend give me mercy with my shitty 90s words I needed to help her out but she really wanted to put out a chapter for you radical dudes so appreciate her she loves you bye.

Rad one shot brah. (Sansy fresh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now