Universe (part two) (n:

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  It's been about a month, I'm going through the lists of Au's.

"I can't believe this is happening!" I slam my fists onto my desk. Au's are dropping left and right, at first when my screen displayed that some of the Au's weren't there anymore I denied it and opened a portal to them anyways.

It was complete chaos everything, everyone destroyed. Chunks of the alternate universe were there but it was all destroyed. It was like when you have a finished painting, and some dumb brain decides to come along and splatter white paint onto the canvas, leaving some chunks of what was there exposed and the rest is just white.

That is how the current Au I'm standing in right now looks like. What Au is this? I can't remember, I cant tell either! This is just so...

I decide to head back to the void. I need to find out who is doing this! I go back onto my screen and check my list of Au's

Undertale, perfect condition

Underswap, perfect condition

Underfell, perfect condition...

I skip most of them, sighing with relief when I see they're okay

ChessTale, perfect condition

DanceTale, perfect condition

HorrorTale, Poor condition...

What happened there? Why isn't that one perfect condition? Then after that the list gets worse, some of the Au's were damaged!

Underfresh, ERROR, ERROR!

My screen turns red and displays that something is happening in the Au, Underfresh. The one I've visited before, the one I forgot to visit to see if it was okay! I quickly open a portal and jump through.

"No..." I look at the Au, the Au that could've had potential. Tears start to form in my eyes "WHAT THE HELL, THIS AU WASN'T EVEN FINISHED! WHO DOES THAT!" I see something in the distance, it looks like someone going through a portal. I run towards it.

I was too late, it closed before I could reach it. I saw who was going in, it looked like...The sans that I met in this UnderFresh Au, he looked like he was following someone, if he was, I didn't see who.

I look at all the destruction before me. Poor Au. Poor Au's I should be saying.

Heading back, I had a brilliant thought, If they're trying to get HorrorTale, or If they tried destroying it, maybe someone In that Au cold tell me who is doing this! I don't wan't to disturb their timeline, but if it means catching the person doing all this, it'll be worth it!

The place is beyond trashed! Burning buildings everywhere, dead bodies, wait the dead bodies come with the Au, but still! I see HorrTale Sans' sentry station I run up to him

"Hello, sorry to bother you but have you seen, anyone around here acting suspicious, maybe they've tried to destroy everything?" Sans taps his fingers on his station and looks me dead straight in the eyes "we've encountered some really suspicious person like that" he raises his ax. "but if you think we'll fall for that trick again forget it" you back up "Just tell me how the person looks like and I-I'll be off okay?" his maniac grin gets wider "yes, someone did come here and try to destroy everything, we fought back, and before he could destroy this universe completely, some colorful thing with a paint brush came in and saved our asses." paintbrush? colorful? that kind of fits the description of Inktale Sans, but that Au...got destroyed too. "How did this destroyer guy look like" HorrorTale sans leans back "Oh dude, where do I start, he looked super messed up, error signs everywhere" Error signs? "He looked like a Sans too" I notice my rip in the universe starts to close

"Thank you for the information, I'm glad this Au didn't get destroyed" He grins madly "Well, someone wanted us destroyed, I see why he wanted too" I give him a confused look "We do kill everyone after all" He bends down and pulls up a severed head. Welp I'm out.

"A sans with error signs around him, is destroying everything, and I think Inktale sans is..." No Ink would never destroy anything, he's not like that... "HorrorTale said...they where saved by Ink, so Ink wouldn't be helping the other guy..."

Ugh! This is so confusing, but right now I need to go around and check on all the Au's...

This is going to be a long process.

Rad one shot brah. (Sansy fresh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now