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   It's another friday night, everyone is getting drunk. Basically they're all having a good time. You? You're here on stage, the DJ. This is your job, its your DREAM job, and now that you have it, you can blast music pretty much everywhere and no one will care cause its your job, and you're good at it.

You're on the stage, yes, but...You're not the one playing the amazing beats. Who IS this guy?! He- he's doesn't- well, you don't think he works here, he's a DJ, obviously because of that amazing music, but this is not where he belongs. This is YOUR job, that's YOUR stage, these people came to see YOUR work.

But no one is complaining, no one asking for you to take the stage and play your sick beats. The Bouncers aren't doing anything to him!

You walk closer, its a monster, you didn't know monsters were aloud here, you aren't racist! but he's intruding. 

"Hey! What are you doing here!" You yell over the adoring crowd.

"What'd ya mean, I'm just playin' my sick nasty tunes" he keeps on playing, but this time he takes the pair of headphones that were aimlessly lying around, and plops them over where his ears would be.

You tap his shoulder, he keeps on playing. Oh, he's playing that game, IS he now?! You take off his headphones and grab his shoulders and you make him face you "Listen-" the music stops and everyone quiets down

"uh, heh, I'm gonna take a break homies be right back!" he says over the microphone, then he turns to his laptop and plays a song for the time being.

"What. is. up." he turns to you clearly a little ticked off that you disturbed his music session "What is up? the only thing up is something, and your doing something, so that means- you're up to SOMETHING. And that SOMETHING is playing tunes, at my DJ STATION!" you dramatically flail your arms, just to prove a point.

"Uh. Chill, little dude. This here, is my DJ station, and over there is MY fans, so if you'll excuuuse me"

What the heck?! He is NOT taking your job "No, Excuse me, This is my Job, and you're preventing me from doing it. They pay me to be here, not you." he shakes his head. "Then why'd they call me to be here? FOR PAY." 

"Ugh, I need to speak to my boss-"

"MY boss. homie, I've been here longer than you, so back off" he flicks your nose "The hell? I've NEVER seen or HEARD of you, AND DON'T YOU TOUCH ME!" you point an accusing finger at him

You both head to the back of the club, and upstairs were Big Boss has his office. You knock very gently.

"Come in" you here Boss' booming deep voice call. You go in, along with your JOB STEALER. You both sit down in front of his desk.


"Oh, seems like you've finally met each other, Working well together?" 

"Working well-?" The DJ, that you still have no idea what his name is says

"Together?" You finish his sentence

"Oh, yeah. You both are 'post to work together, I told ya that didn't I?" you and the other dude look dumbfounded "Sir, you didn't say anything about me coming into work today to, eh partner up with someone" he says, you gotta learn his name! "Oh? I didn't, oh...Say hello to your new partner! Y/n This is DJ Fresh, Fresh this is DJ Y/n, you guys are gonna be preforming together now!"

"What?!" You and 'DJ Fresh' say in unison

"Boss, I just met him and I already HATE him!" Fresh looks at you "Hey watch your 4 letter words!" you roll your eyes "Fuck you!" he gasps "ESPECIALLY THAT ONE!"

"Calm down, calm down. You're both great DJs,  It's that...I don't have enough room for you both individually so I have to put you two together. Unless..."

"Unless what?" You say

"Well, I'll have to let one of you go." you and Fresh glare at each other "He's the one who should go, I've been here for years!"

"Actually you both have been here for quite some time..." he says "Ahah! I propose a DJ Throw down! To see who is the best,  Play your finest beats and see who draws in the most fans!"

And that was that. About an hour later everything was set up. The crowd was going wild, you both shared your finest hits, you both gave it everything!

This is your dream job! You are not gonna lose it anytime soon by- by...A WALKING RAINBOW!

You get your last turn. You play to your hearts content, and when your song finishes. The silence.

Your boss takes the microphone.

"And that was our last song, now we will be doing the vote by the loudest cheering crowd! WHO will win and get to keep playing here, and WHO will lose, and have to give up this job!" 

"Now its time to vote, On the left! DJ FRESH!" The crowd cheers so loud you think your eardrums are about to burst, then you also think 'Am I going to lose?'

"On the right, DJ Y/N!!!" Another crowd's cheers picks up, its loud but...

Fresh's crowd was much louder. "And there you have it! The winner is DJ FRESH!" those words hits you like a pile of bricks, the cheers just become background noise to you.

You pull up a chair and sit down, hunched down palms on your face. How could you lose? This is your dream job!

"Hey." someone says, just before the tears were about to fall out. You look up. Its- its Fresh? "hey...grea-great job" your voice sounds strained "Na, you totally should've won, your beats? The Freshest!" you attempt to smile "Look, we could talk to Boss, now that I've seen what you can do, I'll totally work with you!"

"What?" you stand up "Actually, he came up to me and said It's gonna be to hard for him to let you go, I mean- If I were him It'd be hard for me too!" he chuckles

 "Come on, lets work together" he hold out his hand and you gladly take it

"Yeah. Together"


Hey readers its me YOUR BIG LOSER WITH A BIG HEART! I hope you liked this chapter I'm sorry it doesn't have any of my QUALITY drawings in it (listen to the sigh of relief!)

I'm here to tell you that I absolutely LOVE all the comments and Votes, I love them all to bits, and I read every single one of them. I INHALE THEM. joking. but seriously keep it up I love them, Also don't be scared to add a suggestion in the comments on what kind of chapter you wanna see next!

(If you see any mistakes fix them with your mind powers, or comment on it, I'll only be a little embarrassed, but ill go and fix it)   

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