This is Halloween

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You guys okay with curse words right? I get all weird when I leave one in the story. *curse words may be present in this story* should I put this in the bio? NVM GO READ THE CHAPTER.

You watch intensely at the ghoul ripping apart the girl limb by limb, her screams filling the eerie silence in your house. The monster begins to rip her eyes out, eating them whole, munching on her eyes the girl lays dead and the monster leaves the scene to find more victims.

"BOO" you scream and fall off your bed and onto your face "Oh my god you scared the shit out of me!" your beloved boyfriend just scared you, and now he's rolling on your bed laughing. "Stop laughing" you pout. A loud sudden scream makes you jump a little. "This movie is good, but..." you pause the movie "Its a little to cheesey for my liking"

"I thought it was pretty radical, I dunno what you're talking about" fresh says "I mean if you want to watch it here's the remote" you hand fresh the remote, but instead of un-pausing the movie he turns off the tv. "I thought you were going to watch it"

Fresh doesn't say anything "uh-" "do you have a Halloween costume?" fresh cuts you off "Oh, no I'm not doing that, I'm too old for it" he frowns "Whaat? That's ridiculous you're never too old for free candy, Halloween is the most redonkulous holiday you humans have!" you roll your eyes "redonkulous, that's a new one" he smiles "yo, I'm runnin' out" he says "Clearly." you return.

"I just wanted to ask if maybe we could go trick or treating?" you laugh "You? Fresh. You, want to go trick or treating?" he rapidly nods his head "I'm not going to"

"Hey Y/N! this costume would look great on you!" how did he drag you into this.
You're currently standing in the middle of (favorite halloween store) and what does Fresh want you to wear? You look at Fresh "What is that?" his smile widens "'It'd really look good on you" and he's currently holding a quite revealing cop costume "Haha, I'm joking!" he booped your nose "besides I'm looking for my rad costume. Something really colorful and bright" If he's looking for that he should've just gone through his closet. You snicker at your little thought. "Y/n start looking for yours! If not the cop one it is!" he says the last part in a sing song voice.

You sigh and start looking around the store.

"To ugly, To slutty, Harley Quinn wow! so original!" you look in another section. "Oh, wow..this one looks okay.." you pick up a (favorite costume because idk what you like) "This isn't that bad!" You smile and head to the cash register, to your surprise Fresh is all ready to go.

You pay for the costume and head out. "Lemme see what you got" you open your bag for him and show him your beautiful costume "wow, that looks so cool." You look at his bag "Show me yours" he gerks his bag away "Its a surprise Y/n!" He laughs "Not fair, I let you see mine" You and Fresh get into the car. "Actually I don't need to see it, you already told me it was going to be colorful and bright, so probably its some 60's costume" You start the car and head home.

Once you got home you put your costume and your other bags down.

"Y/n I'm gonna go now cya tomorrow!" He waves goodbye

You sigh "tomorrow halloween." You turn on your TV and watch Netflix all night long.


You woke up groggily. "Wha-?" oh. It's your phone


"Ugh okay, okay!" you quickly sit up causing your head to hurt from the blood rushing. You turn on your phone, the brightness hitting you unexpectedly "Ow..." you look at who's texting you.

Rad one shot brah. (Sansy fresh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now