A Rad dude!

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  I opened my door and looked behind me "cya later my radical brosph!" you giggled at his hilarious 90' talk. "Bye Fresh, cya tomorrow?" he does little guns with his hands and clicks his tongue (lol if he has one) "Of course, dawg!" he got on his skateboard and rode away.

I closed the door and leaned on it, sighing "Man, Fresh is so, hehe, 'rad'" you laugh, your definitely not good with the "cool" talk like he is. You went upstairs and jumped on your bed, you're already excited about tomorrow, Fresh said he's taking you somewhere "spec-rad-ical?" the way he makes the places sound like they're going to be cool gets you excited, even if its just some ordinary place for example, last week he said he's taking you somewhere "super-mazing, awesomely brosph cool, yo" it turned out to be...a park. It was still sweet!

You drift off into dream land, elated about your beautiful day today with Sansy, he just made everything so cool. 

For a while now you started developing feelings for the colorful 90's skelebro but you've never seen him return those feelings towards you. It made you sad that you'll only be a 'bro' to him. But who knows maybe tomorrow...

"Psst, pssst, brosph! wake the diddly darn up!" my eyes fluttered open, I check my alarm clock... Oh gosh "What the fresh sans" the bleep censored my cuss word, "Uh, uh, uh we can't have any of that language here sweet buns" You blush at the nick name "Sans its 5 in the morning" he chuckled "Radness never sleeps, ya dig?" I groaned and got out of my bed "Where are we going, at 5 in the morning" his smile widens "Hehehe, places, very rad places" I go to the bathroom and wash up.

After I'm done with washing up, we were ready to go on our adventure..."wanna ride?" he pointed at his skate board, I shook my head "I, um don't know how to ride that" he then grabbed my hand and pulled my towards him, I blushed "ok, ya just put this foot here and this one here..." he told me how to get on it, once I was on it with both of my feet he held onto my waist so I wouldn't fall down, my face was probably super red by now "so rad! your doing it!" I was getting nervous now, I was definitely not doing it. "Okay I'm going to let go now" my eyes widened "W-Wait!-" I slipped and fell straight on my butt, sans smile disappeared, it was now a  frown "oh, gosh diddly darn, I-I'm sorry (Y/n) here let me help you up" he held out his hand and I took it "maybe next time, ya know?" he smiled "Right, yeah maybe some other time" I smiled back at him. Then he did something that I would have never thought he would do in my whole life! He bent down and grabbed me bridal style and in the process he grabbed his skateboard too.

"W-where are we going" he looked confused for a second "Rigggghht! how could I have forgotten, so un-rad, don't worry we'll get there in time, allz I gotta do is run" he started running, I closed my eyes, he was running way to fast.

We finally got to the place. "Th-THE STORE?!" sansy gave me a small punch "Its whats in the funky fresh store that makes it rad, nerd" he pat your head and he held the door for you "ya commin' in or not?" you nod your head.

You didn't get it, he just got ordinary groceries! you were mad! it's 6:30 and he cant decide between spaghetti or ravioli.

"Ima just get these here raviolis, cause they're square." I rolled my eyes "whoa- there broski, take a chill pill, those grow on trees where I came from" he smirked I puffed out my cheeks, sure sansy was funny, and he usually takes you to...more sweeter places...like a coffee shop or an amusement park, but today he takes you- here?! Maybe you are over reacting, its not like these are dates or anything, but you so badly want them to be, then you would have a reason to be mad.

The skelebro finally payed for his stuff, something happened though behind your back, when you looked at sans to see if he was finished paying he was in the middle of putting his glasses back on. The cashier looked like they where about to pee their pants.

You're walking home now with sans "Hey...um sans, what happened, when you were paying, I mean" sans laughed like I had just said the funniest joke on the planet "nothing happened back there, candy face" you shrugged it off.

you finally got home, you opened the door "Heya, (Y/n) Ill text ya" he grinned, that made you blush, he never really texted you, mostly because you hang out with each other everyday, sometimes you would text each other, just to make puns, or maybe he would text you to see if you would like to visit his house.

Few hours later.

It's been so long It's already night!, sans hasn't texted, just as you had that thought, your phone started buzzing

Fresh- heyaaa y/n come to my house! be quick, dawg

Y/n - Okay I'll be there soon.

Fresh- thanks brah. B)

You giggled at the emoji he sent, he then started to send more. Off you go! to sans house! You grabbed the things you needed and headed off.

You finally got to his house, you where surprised to see he was at the door. He smiled when he saw you "Hey, my chicckaaa" he wiggled his eyebrows, making your blush. He held the door open "Cmon grill." you walked inside, the house looked super clean and it smelled like- food!

"I-i made you dinner, brah.." you smiled "O-oh um..come here grill!" he set a table in the kitchen it had two plates of ravioli "Is this- is this why you took me to the store this morning?" he chuckled "Yeah homie, s-sit down"

After a few minutes of talking, sans stood up "Actually, the reason why I told you to come here..." this is it he's finally going to do it, you blushed a deep red. 

He pinned you to the wall, you got confused, some purple like smoke came out from under his glasses, he then gets closer to you. "Dont worry, broski" his teeth touches your mouth, it feels, like you're touching lips.

"The virus will settle in bout' now" He takes off his glasses I see his eyes for the first time, dark black eye sockets, his left eye had an upside down heart.

You felt yourself fall onto the floor. You look up at sans one last time, terrified.

"Thanks for your soul, Homie" everything went black.

Rad one shot brah. (Sansy fresh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now