Hello kids!

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*please read all of this...there might be something at the end*

You've probably noticed the lack of updates recently. My last chapter was on February, it's June now! I don't want to keep you guys waiting for something that might...not even come? I love all the attention this one-shot has gotten and, all the comments are all so different and quirky, I just love them all.

But I am a kid, I'm going to highschool soon...and yes, it is summer I should have plenty of time to write. Here's the thing, I don't like writing as much as I like reading and I don't like reading as much as drawing...and I don't like drawing as much as GAMING! So as you might see there's a quite a few levels you have to go down to actually see my sliver of passion at writing. I was never really consistent when it came to updating stories, at first I start off with a storm of ideas and then...it just gets boring. You guys might understand, I don't think I'm the only one that thinks this way.

Last year I was CRAZY about undertale, and even CRAZIER about the Au's! Fresh sans was my fav <3 So of course I needed to make a story about him but I didn't want to commit to a story so...This one shot was born! And at the time I could only find one story on Wattpad about him, and another short story on Deviantart so I had little to work with whist creating this one-shot.

What I'm trying to say is, I will be ending the one-shots. Maybe if I do ever get some inspiration I'll definitely post another chapter, so it won't be totally finished but, it's not a promise. Don't worry kiddos, now you can find fresh sans x readers everywhere, you won't miss a thing!


"Hey..." It's weird to hear Fresh so quiet

"...Yeah?" the pitter patter of the light rain fills the silent pause.

"I'm going to be leaving soon" your eyes widen "B-but you...you just got here"

"I know!" his voice rose, but quickly it became hushed again "I...I can't stay forever you know"

"Fresh...I don't want you to leave...you always take months to come back...and sometimes I'm afraid you're never coming home." a lump in your throat makes you swallow, but its still there.

"This. This isn't my home, you know that." he sighs "Plus I...I have stuff to do. I have a job." what? a job? "You never told me you had a job" he mentally punches himself for mentioning it "Forget that. I'm just saying I have stuff to do...and it doesn't require you. I don't want it to require you..." you furrow your brows "So you don't need me?" he looks taken aback when he hears your statement, and looks even more shocked to see tears rolling down your cheeks

"No! No! nothing like that! Y/n I need you. So..so much, I.."

"I love you Y/n."

"oh sansy..." you say weakly "I'm going to miss you"

He leans in and you do as well waiting for the skin to bone contact but he totally avoids your mouth and kisses your cheek.

He jumps onto your balcony

"Cya later, bro."

He opens a rip.

And jumps through.

Rad one shot brah. (Sansy fresh x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now