I Shouldn't Have Admitted It

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Luke's P. O. V

"Thanks for the night, Luke." Hayden says with a small nervous smile. "Always a pleasure." I reply with a smile and she goes into her room. I turn and walk to my own room, a big smile on my face. "What are you doing with her?" A voice growls from the shadows, making me jump. "Chase?" I ask, making my brother come out. His eyes were bloodshot and he looked like he hasn't slept at all. "I told you, she's mine. You better stay away from her." He growls and I stand my ground. "No. I won't. I deserve a chance just like you and Bryce do." I snarl back at him and he slaps me. I growl at him and grab my cheek. He glares at me and walks away, slamming the door behind him. I stalk off to my room, clutching my reddening cheek. This wasn't like Chase at all. He never would lay a hand on us, even when we were messing around.

I open my door and find Bryce laid in my bed. "Get up, would you?" I snap and kick his foot. "I'm up." He says, lifting his head. "Whoaaaa, what the fuck happened to you? Did she smack you or something?" He laughs and I sit down on the bed. "It was Chase. Something's wrong with him." I say and Bryce starts laughing. "He's jealous, idiot. He was starting to fall for her, and you swooped in to save her. It ticked him off." He says and I look down. "We both want a fair chance. You basically stole it from him." He continues. "How did I do that?" I snap and he reels back like if I had smacked him. "You got close to her. You never leave her side, or let either of us close to her. You stole it from the both of us, brother." He says and I realize what he meant. "I've fallen hard for her, Bry. She was like that piece I need to fix my broken heart."

Hayden's P. O. V

"How was the date?" Tess asks as we lay in my bed watching episodes of Friends. "It was good. He took me to this park with a waterfall and we laid under the stars for a good two hours talking and laughing. "You two are adorable, but I've noticed something off with Chase." She says and I sit up. "Noticed what?" I demand. "He's been avoiding everyone. Sleeping less. Been more snappy and aggressive with everyone that tries to be nice to him. I don't know what it is, but try to fix him. I'm not raising my babies in a negative household." She says and I nod. "What are you going to name them?" I ask. "Aphrodite and Kaitlyn. Dawson said Aphrodite should be a middle name so I'm letting him name our first born daughter." She smiles, her hand resting on her belly. I smile, and turn back to the show.

"Tess wake up! I want my wife back!" A voice whines and I blink awake. Dawson was on his knees and Tess was looking away from him. "No! You tried to argue with me on the names." She says and a loud whine comes from him. "I gave in! I listened to you!" He whines and she looks down at him from the corner of her eye. "Will you always listen to me?" She asks and he nods. "Okay! Night Hayden!" She grins and walks away, pulling Dawson by the hand behind her. I chuckle and curl up in the middle of my bed. The door opens again and Bryce walks in without asking. "Ooh I love Friends!" He grins and jumps in bed beside me. I look at him and he grins. I roll my eyes and move over to give him room. He gets comfortable and I move even more. His arm is thrown beside him and I pay no attention to it. I pay attention to the show, trying to ignore his heady scent. He laughs and I giggle, watching Joey reading Rachel's book. "Do you have any of those books?" Bryce suddenly whispers in my ear and I jump away. "No." I say, relieved that the darkness hid my blush. I really didn't, but that wouldn't stop him for looking. "What about on your phone?" He smirks, holding up my phone. I look to my side, and mentally smack myself. He threw his arm around to get my phone. "Ha-ha, very funny Bryce, give me back my phone." I say and his smirk grows. "Nah, I think it rather stay with me." He replies and I try to snatch it out of his hand, but he stretches his arm to the left. I lay across him and reach for it. He chuckles and continues to hold it far from me. I push myself and grab it. I collapse on his chest, just inches from his face. He starts leaning in and a loud bang from outside stops him. "Humans." I say and quickly get off of him, all of the fun we had only moments before, forgotten. I run to the door, not checking if he's behind me or not. I see Dawson holding Tess in their doorway. "Stay with her, Dawson." I command and he nods. Chase and Luke come out of their rooms and look at me sleepily. I don't say a word and race down the stairs, leaping off the third to last step. I yank open the front door and see the pack running around frantically. "Calm down!" I hear the Enforcers yelling and I hear a woman screaming. I run to her and hold her. A child of only three is clutching to her leg, fear bright in his eyes. "Cathy, get yourself together! Max needs you!" I growl and she nods, picking up her child. "What's going on?" I ask Connor, the tall Enforcer. "It was a human. He shot one of our wolves on patrol. I don't know if the human made it, but I know from experience that Kal isn't going to make it through the night." He says and my eyes harden. "EVERYONE CALM DOWN NOW!" I scream and everyone stops. "Look, humans will always attack us. We live in the mountains and wolf howls always sound from here. But they can never break us. We're a pack. A family. Nothing, not even a gun's bullet, will break us or separate us. We all live in harmony, in unity. And we must remain that way. I promise you all, that no one will ever hurt anyone else again." I say and everyone claps. Then the sound of a gunshot breaks the calming hum of the pack.

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