The Rival Romanian

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I shake slightly as the large jet black wolf emerges from the tree line, along with three others. My fur bristles along my spine and my lip curls up. The wolf's fur rises and it makes him seem larger than he already is. His eyes sparkle in pleasure and I growl louder. His strangely colored eyes already have me on edge, but the glint to them scare me more.

I bark a warning and he steps over the border.
Calm down, Little Alpha. I won't bite.
Leave my territory now!
It's mine now.
Leave now! You're breaking pack laws!
They don't apply to the true King.

My fur stands on end the moment he speaks those words. His eyes flicker between his companions and their ears twitch. I snarl and lunge.

My fangs connect with the side of one of his wolves's face and I bite down hard. I shake my head slightly and I hear it's howl of pain. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the whites of its eyes.

I know these aren't regular shifters. Something was different in the way they communicated with each other.

Two heavily muscled wolves launch at my mates and pin them down to the ground. Jai writhes around, trying to bite at the wolf. The alpha walks towards me until my nose touches the base of his throat. This wolf is too large to be earthly.

I growl then he shifts. I instinctively also return to my human skin. This man towered a foot or so taller over me and I glare at him.

"What do you want with me?" I growl and he chuckles. "You're the Queen of the North, you can't believe how much every Alpha wants you," he says. "And I plan I getting you before any other does."

Jai and Luke snarl the moment he says those words. I slap the alpha across the face and the sound echoes. I hear the two wolves growl lowly and I stand tall. His blue eyes shine with anger but he laughs. "I love a challenge." He grins and tries to grab me. I smack his hands away and his eyes darken. I knew by me fighting him, his wolf was reacting. With aggression.

He roughly grabs me by the throat and he lifts me until we are at eye level. I can feel his claws slowly digging their way into my neck. "You're mine now, Queen Lupei, or soon enough, Queen Dalca." He snarls in my face and I dig my claws into his forearm. I see the blood stream out, but it doesn't even faze him. "You have a lot to learn about me," he says and I start to blackout from the lack of air.

He releases me and I fall to the ground in a coughing and wheezing heap. I glare at him and he only smirks. That annoying ass one where you just want to punch it off their face. And I so desperately wanted to shift and tear his throat out. But I can't. If I do, I risk the lives of my mates.

The "King" helps me up and he keeps his arm around my waist. I try to put distance between us, but he keeps me in an iron grip. I look at Jai and Luke with sad, pleading eyes. The "King" and his men exchange a look and a head nod. Then they roughly grip the twins by the bottom of their chins and force them to keep their heads up. I look at Him confused and he pulls me flush to his body. I know immediately what is running through that dark mind of his. "Don't you dare!" Jai screeches and the "King" gives him a large smirk. The man holding Jai snarls and digs his claws into Jai's chin and jaw. I see the puncture marks and I know it will scar.

I bang my fists against His chest and my mouth opens to scream at him, but he slams his lips on mine, forcing his tongue in. I fight it for a moment. When he pulls away, his eyes are almost black, his forehead resting against mine. He suddenly moves forward and my back roughly meets a tree trunk and I hear it groan at the force. I try to keep my lips shut, but it seems as if he knew what would make me crack. He kissed me like Jai would. Roughly and with lust. Except Jai kissed with desire, not with this animalistic hunger.

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