Chapter 1

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I throw my paintbrush into the water cup in frustration.

"Why am I having such a hard time painting!?" I yell out while burying my face in my hands.


I clean up my art supplies and head downstairs.

"Grammy, don't hurt your throat." I sigh as I meet her in the kitchen.

"My boo, you just need to worry about your ears." Grammy smacks my cheek softly and laughs.

My grandma has been taking care of me for only 3 months now and she's already making me question her marriage with the MOST QUIETEST man on Earth, my Grandpa. She used to be an idol, so maybe that's why.

"Why did you call me down?" I ask.

"Just wanted to see how gravity's working for you." She responds while cleaning the counter with a dry towel.

I sigh again. "I'll be going back now. I'm still trying to reach my goal, Grammy."

I stand up and start walking, but she grabs my wrist and spins me around.

"I was just messing with your cute head, boy." Grammy laughs. "And you've been in your room destroying your brain cells for this whole month almost."

"Your point is?"

"You need to go outside and get some fresh oxygen. Don't make me go all science-y on you now. Maybe if you went outside, you'll get inspired."

I shrug. "Seems fine. Ok, we'll go."

"Man, you know I ain't going out there with these crusty feet. Let me get ready so I don't make little kids cry when I go outside." Grammy gets up and rushes upstairs.

She's joking. If anything, she's going to make kids cry because she's too beautiful.

I don't even know how long she took, but we're on our way to somewhere.

"Will you tell me where we're going?" I lean forward to look outside.

Her hand forces me back on my seat. "You better sit your butt back on this seat or we won't even make it to where I'm taking you."

I stay seated and quiet the whole way.

We park outside a grocery store and Grammy steps outside.

"You want me to get inspired by food? Grammy, I drew so any foods that I should draw a refrigerator to top it off." I complain a little while exiting the car.

"I ain't playing with you, cupcake, I need to do some shopping so you wouldn't mistake your ribs for abs. You can chill out at the café over there or the park." Grammy hands me some money. "Go buy something that'll make your brain produce more brain cells."

She pushes me away before I could respond.

I shrug it off and walk towards the café.

I enter the small building and bells ring as I do.

"Hello there, customer!" A very cheerful voice acknowledges my entrance.

I look for the voice and see a girl leaning against the counter smiling brightly at me.

I smile back, but end up getting hot and looking away.

I was never great with girls.

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