Chapter 34

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2 weeks pass


"Some people usually hate it when school starts again, but I actually am excited to go back." I tell my grandpa.

"Duh! You go to a school that doesn't teach you crap like triangles and metaphors." Pa jokes.

I laugh. "You're right. We learn valuable stuff."

"I sucked in math and science and look where I ended up! Slaying Korea and making girls swoon. My group is still on television." Pa brags.

"Yes, yes. And on ads, I saw one." I roll my eyes jokingly.

We pull up to the school.

I hop out of the car and wave to my grandpa.

Yerin and SinB run and greet me loudly.

"I told my mom about you and she said she was a fan." SinB tells my grandpa.

"Not a surprise." Pa smiles.

"You were my dad's idol!" Yerin says.

"I must meet your parents. I still remember my autographing skills!" Pa yells.

We laugh.

"Ok, I'll see you girls later. Bye."


"So..." SinB puts on the gossiping face.

"Oh goodness." I facepalm.

"What?? All I want to know is how are you and Jungkook!" SinB links her arm with mine.

"We must know all the details. 3 weeks is a lot of time to hide from us." Yerin links her arm with my other arm.

"Well. One big thing happened. I got a modeling gig." I say.

SinB giggles. "We already know that! You were popping up all over Seoul with Jin."

"I stole a cardboard cut out of you." Yerin whispers.

"Wow. I feel loved." I laugh.

"But anything else?" SinB nudged my side obviously wanting juicy info on me and Jungkook.

"I saw Jimin the other day." I shrug, acting like it was a small deal.

They both gasp.

"What happened?"

"Nothing happened! Jungkook and I are fine. Jimin just wanted what Jungkook wanted, which was lemonade." I sigh, looking at them with eyes that tell no lie.

"What Jungkook wanted....Jungkook wanted you so Jimin just want-"

I stop SinB.

"Don't read between the lines. There are no lines anyway." I say.

"SinB, don't get that started! Eunhye is happy with Jungkook and Jimin is probably breaking another girl's heart. Don't let that be Eunhye!" Yerin comments.

"Jimin is the past. We barely had a thing." I mutter, annoyed of the memory that was brought back.

Who ditches a girl?



"Let's have a talk with J-hope so he knows about the Pep Assembly." Jimin tugs on my arm.

"He's a teacher. He knows already." I furrow my brows.

"But he didn't know we're going to slay the day. Come on."


"Let me greet my girlfriend first." I request and try to escape his grasp.

"You can later, Jungkook. We have limited time." He says.

I sigh. "Ok then."

We rush to J-hope's room and barge in.


Jimin stops abruptly making me crash into his back.

"Good morning, my friends." He smiles widely and waves.

I rub my forehead and look over his shoulder.

"Eunhye!" I gasp happily and run up to her.

"I had a feeing you were coming." She giggles and hugs me.

"3rd wheeling like a boss." SinB says awkwardly.

"Hi, SinB." I wave to her.

"What are you two doing here?" Jimin steps in and asks.

"You two aren't the only ones going to slay at the pep assembly." SinB puts her hand on her hip.

"How was your lemonade, Jimin?" Eunhye hints casually.

Jimin shakes his head, but smiles. "Well played."

"We need girls anyway." J-hope adds. "Dance isn't just a boy thing."

"That's right, J-hope." Eunhye high fives him.

"Guess we'll slay together." I wink at her.

"Guess we will." She mimics my wink.


Ailee calls Jin, Jimin, and I after class.

"You know about the pep assembly, right?" She whispers, even though no one else was around.

We all nod.

"Good. I heard that Dance Class is having reps to show off for the Dance club. Vocal Class needs the same!"

Jimin and I look at each other and laugh.

"We gotchu, Ailee. I'm pretty sure the whole school is just anxious to hear my- I mean, our voices." Jin boasts.

"Great. I want you guys to be singing original songs-"

"Origi- What! The pep assembly is in a week and a half! It took me 2 weeks to finish an essay, let alone a whole song!" Jin erupts in fear.

"That's why I got you help. From a talented being...."

"Hey there, fellas

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"Hey there, fellas." Namjoon enters the room. "Glad to be of help."

I drop my jaw.


"Professor Namjoon." Ailee claps.

"I know it might surprise you. But believe it or not, I'm a music composer. As a hobby, I like to create music." Namjoon spoke as he walked closer.

Everyone is so talented in this building.

"You guys can stay after school so we can get this finished with bursting flames. It's gonna be fun. Trust me." He shakes our hands.

"Now off to your next period." Ailee shoos.

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