Chapter 5

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I went back to to my seat and I felt a lot of eyes on me.


I take out my notebook and start doodling with a pen. I like to draw in situations like these.

 I like to draw in situations like these

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"Next up! Park Jimin!" Ailee calls.

A man with shiny red hair goes to the front and looks at the class.

He gives a few winks to the girls and they squeal.

Oh....he's that kind of boy.

"What will you be singing, Jimin?" Ailee asks.

"I'll be singing Eyes, Nose, Lips by Taeyang." Jimin speaks with a husky voice.

The girls go crazy again and I sink into my seat.

I wonder how it feels like to have a lot of girls like you.

"Wow! Amazing, Jimin. The passion was great. I like your style." Ailee laughs at Jimin's act.

Jimin bows and walks back to his seat.

He stops at my side and sits next to me.

O_o why is he sitting next to me?

"Hey, Jungkook, right?" Jimin asks.

No, it's Barack Obama.

"Yes." I whisper.

"Nice to meet you. You are an amazing singer, ha, I'm jealous. Mind if I sit here?"

"It's fine." I try to look up at him. "And thanks."

"For our last act. Kim Seokjin!" Ailee calls.

"Oh, this is my older brother." Jimin whispers to me.

A very handsome and tall man steps to the front.

Wow, looks seem to come in the family.

"Please, call me Jin." Jin says. Girls giggle in the back.

"What will you be singing?" Ailee asks. It was obvious she was smitten by Jin's looks.

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