Chapter 4

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"We are here to learn, to strengthen our vocal cords, to make us sound like real singers. I expect hard effort because I will test you at the end of the year. Maybe the pep assembly. I want you leaving this class with your vocals cords pumped and ready to blast people away with your steady singing. I want you leaving with your head high, ready to hit the high note."

I can hit the high note. ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

"Since it's the first day of school, we'll begin the year with a small individual sharing of your voices. I need to see where everyone is at. You have 25 minutes to prepare. Begin." Miss Ailee announces.

Oh, I'm gonna be so shy! Ohhhhhh!

I play around with my pencil as I try to decide what I should sing.

Maybe a slow ballad? A upbeat tune? Or just my favorite song?

What if my voice cracks and I embarrass myself!!?

Cho Eunhye

"Hello, class. Welcome to Drama 365. My name is Lee Min Ho. You can call me Mr. Minho."

I hear girls giggling and whispering something about Mr

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I hear girls giggling and whispering something about Mr. Minho being cute.

I can see it, but he looks like an Oppa (big brother) to me.

"We are not in Middle School, we don't need to waste time introducing ourselves and talking about our feelings." Mr. Minho makes silly hand movements, making the class laugh. "We're here to put on a play...and to astound people. I'll pair you up into groups of 4 and you will make up a small humorous skit that you will perform with confidence in only 20 minutes. I will give you a strip of paper with a sentence that your skit has to be about. Good luck. Don't forget to make it as funny as you can. Last year was so boring, I need a laugh."

Great....groupings....I'm gonna be a lonely whale.

"Ok, the groupings will be...." Mr. Minho calls out the names.

I'm in a group with Sinb, Yerin, and Umji. No idea who those people are....I bet they are they popular people >.< but at least they're girls.

Someone taps my shoulder and I turn around.

"Hello? Are you Eunhye?" The girl asks.

I nod hesitantly.

She's pretty!

"Oh! Yay!" Her reaction scares me. "My name is Yerin."

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