Chapter 28

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It's wedding day!!!

Yerin and I were helping Rose with her hair and makeup. While SinB, Rose's friends, and parents helped out the staff with set up and last minute organization.

"My, my, Rose darling. I'm proud to be a mother of such a gorgeous woman." Rose's mom caresses her cheek.

"My getting married. W-What?" Her dad's voice squeaks.

"Goodness. I remember you and Taehyung coming home from your date....such a handsome man." Her mom laughs with happy tears.

"Where is his mom now? You two didn't come together?" Rose asks.

"Oh. She wants everything to be a surprise." The mom answers.

"Rose!" The staff gasped.

We all turned around in terror.

"Your dress is ready!" One of Rose's friends shrieks.

I hold a hand to my heart. "You can't be making someone at this age stress like that."

"Tell me about it." The dad slowly catches his breath.


"I'm the man! The man! A man! THE man! Handsome man! Perfect MAN! I'M DA MAN!" Taehyung repeated to himself while looking into the mirror.

"I'm the man! The man! A man! THE man! Handsome man! Perfect MAN! I'M DA MAN!" Taehyung repeated to himself while looking into the mirror

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Jin and I looked at each other and shook our heads.

"Hey, guys. How do I look in my suit?" J-hope comes in and poses.

 How do I look in my suit?" J-hope comes in and poses

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"Took you long enough." I sigh.

"Aish! This isn't about you! Our dude is getting married!" Jin exclaims.

"Wow. Only one party and you call him your dude." J-hope crosses his arms and frowns.

"Not just any party! A bachelor party. A lot of things happen in a bachelor party!" Jin argues. "Even Jungkook broke out of his shell and dominated us in the dance off!"

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