Chapter 27

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"Turn to the left a bit." Professor Namjoon directs me.

He places his hands on my shoulders and adjusts me.

"All her sides are good." He compliments while shooting me a smile.

" He compliments while shooting me a smile

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His dimples!

My heart just jumped.

I shouldn't be freaking out.... He's a teacher...

"Now Jungkook, use some color to make your drawing pop. But don't use too much. We don't want to drown the meaning in color. Good luck." Professor Namjoon says.

"Alright, Professor." He nods his head politely.


I'm always a softie for gentlemen.

Jungkook lays his eyes on me and stares.

I was turning red by the minute and I was getting hot

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I was turning red by the minute and I was getting hot.

His gaze... His focused expression....

"Eunhye! Looking beautiful like always! But you look nervous. It's ok. Loosen up, act as natural as you can while staying still." Suzy says and loosens my arms.

I sigh. "I apologize. I'm not used to staying still for so long. And with this much attention."

"Ok, since we're just starting off. Why don't you, Jungkook, draw her back?" Suzy suggests and turns me away from Jungkook.

I was relieved and disappointed at the same time.

"Awhh, but she's so beaut-" Jungkook stops himself abruptly. "I mean- That's fine."


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