Chapter 2

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"That's-That's a nice song." I whisper shyly and point to his phone.

The man smiles. "Yes it is, it's one of my favorite songs."

My eyes light up. "It's my favorite song too."

We chat a bit about our favorite stuff and turns out...we have quite a few things in common.

"My name is Taehyung, by the way." He holds out his hand.

" He holds out his hand

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I take it. "My name is Jungkook."

His phone rings again and he goes off to take it.

"Oh, it's my girl." Taehyung winks at me, making me smile.

"What's her name?"

"Rose. Pretty name, huh?"

I nod. "She sounds lovely."

"She is."

I wish I had a girlfriend. Taehyung sounds so cool referring Rose to "his girl".

"See you later, Jungkook." Taehyung waves to me and I wave back.


I'm probably never ever going to see him again. I really should've given him my phone number.

So close to having a friend! Ugh!

I shrug it off and go find my grandma in the grocery store.

As I was walking around the fruit section, something hits my back.

"Hey, fruit." Grammy picks up the banana.

"Did you just throw a banana at me?" I furrow my brows.

"No, it was an apple." She scoffs.

I shake my head and continue walking. "Are we done?"

"Yup, now tell me about your day." Grammy puts her arm around my shoulders.

"It was ok. I had really good lemonade and I met a new friend. Maybe." I whisper the last part.

"Did you go to the café I pointed out?"

"Mhm, why?"

"Their lemonade is bomb." Grammy holds a 'perfect' sign with her fingers.


"Did you meet a girl?"

I turn red. "A-A girl?"

"Yes, did a girl take your order?"

"I-I don't...."

"A young, your age, pretty girl. Long hair, small face." Grammy describes the girl that took my order and called me "handsome".

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