Chapter 26

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I drive myself to the café for my regular shift.

I could see through the glass walls that the café was full and crowded.

What's going on?

I hurried in to the cafe and I heard hushed voices.

I gently made my way past the crowd and saw something shocking, but amazing.

I gently made my way past the crowd and saw something shocking, but amazing

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Rose jumped into Taehyung's arms and he spun her around.

The crowd started cheering for them.

The crowd shrank after that and I ran up to the couple.


I pull both of them into my embrace and hug them tightly.

"Ah, Eunhye. Don't kill me before my wedding." Taehyung painfully says.

"I'm so happy too!" Rose smiles.

I let them go. "I'm so happy for you! I'm so excited! This totally made my day way better."

"Well, more good news!" Taehyung grabs Rose's hand. "The wedding is gonna be in less than a month!"

My eyes bulge out. "Mo-Month!?"

"Yes! Isn't that exciting!?" Rose holds her hands to her chest.

"I can't wait to be your husband." Taehyung kisses her cheek.

"I can't wait to be your wife!" Rose giggles and returns his kiss.

I smile, but forcefully. "That is soon...heh."

"Ok, I have to get back to work. I'll see you later." Rose kisses Taehyung and walks away.

"Taehyung." I pull him closer. "A month!"

"I's so far away. I can't wait!" He sighs.

I gap. "U-Uh WHAT? That's so early, Taehyung. What about the planning!? The-Th-The invitations and the cake! The best people, the person marrying you! Not to ment-"

Taehyung pulls me into a hug. "Eunhye. My sweet sister. You don't have to be the one worrying. I have everything under control."

I breath out. "Ok. I'm happy for you."

"I'm happy for me too."


"Just let him down slowly." Yerin suggests.

"No! Be straightforward! Let him know his mistakes! No regrets!" SinB holds up a fist.

I lower her fist. "Thanks, but I will just see how things go."

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