Chapter 43

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"Don't be so obvious." I tell SinB as we enter the school.

"I won't. Still I just can't believe-"

"Shh! It's Jin!" I slap my hand over her mouth.

"Hey, girls. How you doing?" Jin greets playfully.

 How you doing?" Jin greets playfully

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"Alright. You?" I smile innocently at him.

SinB pushes my hand away. "I'm good too."

"Look, Eunhye. Whatever happens, I'll support you. We'll try our hardest to make things NOT awkward." Jin assures.

I sigh. "Thanks, Jin."

"Because it will be awkward." Jin continues.

"Yes." I nod.

"It'll be really awkward since you two are together a lot." Jin adds.

"Uh, Jin-"

"You and Jungkook are doing a couple dance together. You two are going to be really close to each other-"

I grab his arm to stop him. "I get it. I get it, Jin! Let's go now before we get stuck in hallway traffic."

Jin leads us to the backstage dressing rooms.

"Jungkook and Jimin are practicing their songs up there- oh! I'm suppose to be there too!" Jin sprints away in the matter of seconds.

"I can't believe he's older than us." SinB sighs while shaking her head.

"You girls! Hurry, we have an intro with the girls and boys soon. We need you two in costume!" A stylist rushes us to the changing rooms.


It's already awkward.

I share the same room with Jungkook.

He could walk in anytime and see me.

I finish my hair and makeup and meet SinB outside.

"Eunhye!!!!!!" J-hope screams my name.

"Hoseok!" I mock him, just quieter.

"You look beautiful." He brings me into a hug.

"You-You don't look too bad yourself." I compliment while my lungs get squished.

"After the solos are finished, we get straight into Dance. I talk about it then introduce and boys and girls. Then you 4 do this small thingy with the springy thingy under the stage that launches you in the air."

I widen my eyes. "That thing!? Do you know how high those go? I could possible never come back to earth!"

"Don't be such a baby." SinB throws her arm around me and looks to Hoseok. "We'll do it."

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