Chapter 20

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Jungkook and I sat together on the bench. After our little....practice...

Nothing could be more awkward.

After that...little misunderstanding, we couldn't look at each other in the eye.

It's more awkward than embarrassing yourself in front of your crush and having to sit by them.

"Well," I stand up and brush my skirt. "I'll get going now."

Jungkook stands up too. "Yeah, same here."

I stand still while messing with my fingers. Jungkook stands there while ruffling his hair.

"I-I'll see you tomorrow." I finally spit out.

"Bye. Uh, thank you again for the...advice." Jungkook says.

"No problem. You did great...." I press my lips together.

"Thanks to you." He does the same.

I go in for a hug, but he sticks his hand out. We both get flustered and switch. He goes in for a hug and I go in for a handshake.

We both laugh and high five each other.

"Um, ok, bye." Jungkook turns around and rushes away.

That couldn't have been more awkward.


I am unable to able.

I can't believe I almost asked Eunhye out LIKE THAT!!

I wasn't planning on it. But it just came out....

Eunhye looks...really nice. Uh, really beautiful if I'm being honest now.

But IU.....

I shouldn't be surprised with my feelings! I mean, she was the first girl to make eye contact with me...who wasn't my grandmother.

That's even worse now. She's dating friend.

I screwed up!


"Jungkook! Where's my fried chicken!" Grammy smacks my arm. "I told you specifically to get me some!"

"Sorry, Grammy, I got distracted." I bury my face in my hands.

"What happened to you? It looked like you got dumped by someone." She snorts.

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