Chapter 17

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"Welcome, class! Welcome to the second day of Art! Glad everyone is here today!" Professor Namjoon smiles brightly.

He strolls around the class while putting on his eye glasses.

"Today will be cut short because of a sudden assembly after class."

The class starts whispering to each other. One kid raises his hand.

"Yes?" Professor Namjoon points to him.

"What's the assembly about?"

"Well, could be about a lot of things. Mainly, it's going to talk about the collaboration with Art and Modeling, Acting and Photography, so on." He answers.

"So we're actually going to be drawing models." That one kid who draws explicit things says.

"Most likely. I'm sure you all will be excited about it. Collaboration is always fun."

The kid giggles. "We're gonna be in the same room as pretty people."

"Jackson, please settle down."


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"Drawing isn't always about how much stuff you are supplied with. If you truly love to draw, you will use the resources around you and not let the lack of tools prevent you from doing what you love." Professor Namjoon pulls up a video on his SMART board.

"This is a video of an Artist using ONLY SALT and a straight edge to create an amazing piece of art."

I was truly amazed. I'm a good artist, but I don't think I'll be able to draw with salt.

I might sneeze and ruin the whole thing.

Knowing my nose.

(No pun intended)

"Class, your assignment today will definitely be challenging, but I'm sure you will have fun! You have been given a single piece of white cardboard paper...."


"Class will be cut shorter today because of a sudden announcement made that we will have an assembly after class." Suzy announces.

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