Chapter 47

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"You want to wear high heels during the dance?" SinB questions my decision with her weird face.
"Sure. That's how we learned it. 1 Million Dance Studio knows best, don't they?" I continue to strap on my heels.

"Really brave, Eunhye. You're really brave." SinB teases.

"Stop! You're going to make me switch to just converse lows." I complain and smack SinB's arm.

A loud crash startles us and Namjoon opens the door to our dressing room.

He points a finger at me. "Don't wear converse lows!"


I peek into Jungkook's dressing room. He was busy looking at himself in the mirror.

I try to sneak into the room for my bag, but my clicking heels exposed me.

"Ah, Eunhye, my love! What are you doing sneaking around?" He asks with his arms spread wide.

I freeze and flash him an innocent smile. "Just...getting my bag."

"Don't hide yourself from me." He laughs.

" He laughs

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I turn red. "Sorry, Jungkook."

I turn my heel and CLICK CLACK my way to my bag.

"You're wearing heels!?" He exclaims while standing up.

"Yeah." I yell from my changing room.

I grab my bag and turn around just to bump into Jungkook.

"Wow. You in heels really....uh..." Jungkook stops his sentence and blushes.

I giggle. "Thanks, Jungkook."

His hands land on my waist and he brings my lips to his.



"I'll be watching the monitor like I'm watching T.O.P perform." Jimin pats my back.

"Thanks, man."

"Jimin! Jimin!" Taehyung crashes into the room.

"What?!" Jimin jumps up.

"There is a hot girl outside and she's into guys with colored hair." Taehyung kisses his fingers and holds it to the sky.

"Taehyung! You're married!" I scold him. "Be loyal!"

"No, not for me. For Jimin!" Taehyung laughs and winks at Jimin.

"Sorry, Jungkook, but I have some flirting to do!" Jimin grabs his coat and runs out the door with Taehyung.

"I'm so glad I'm in a loving relationship." I sigh.

"I'm so glad I'm 24." Hoseok snorts.

We turn to Jin and see he was asleep.

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