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My name is Lisa Mishima and I'm 22 years old. 

I had two friends named Nine and Twelve who died fighting for justice. I fought with them, or to put it simply I was hostaged. But I was their friend at the same time. I graduated as a detective to find justice for them and I ultimately found it with my three more friends.

Shin-kun and I met at the station, and he helped me with the Athena Plan archive. He helped me dispatch of it completely. I met Fukushi Shiro, whose name is pronounced as Zero like the number at a city hall. He is a music savant. We also met his sister Fukushi Mana who is the real basis of the Athena Plan. She is an art savant. 

Before, I was a clumsy girl, but 5 years later and I'm now a responsible detective who serves justice only. Nine and Twelve taught me that and I couldn't be any more thankful. They showed me everything about reality. I was blind to it then, but now I can see it all. I love them both. 

"Lisa, are you ready?"


I closed my eyes and said my last regards to Nine and Twelve before leaving. When I opened my eyes, I saw Nine and Twelve sitting right beside me. I didn't cry because I don't need to. They didn't need my tears, what they needed was my presence, my loyalty. 

Listen, Nine and Twelve, I'm grateful for everything. I am kind of proud to have been your hostage or else I would have never met you. But hostage wasn't the term to use. Thank you for giving me the privilege of being your friend. I think God gave me this opportunity to answer all of your questions. I also thank Him for that.

But most of all, I was glad to have met you.

The memories we shared, though little, was unforgettable.

I know you'll always be with me.

And you're smiling at me right now.

Thank you for making me Sphinx number three.

The times we have spent together is a gift more than gold.

Now these are my last words

Thank you.

I love you.




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