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Lilly's Pov.

I struggled to walk outside the door and as soon as I did I fell over "help!" I screamed as best I could. Nothing. I tried again "heeelllpp!" This time it came out more strained. Finally I heard shouts and footsteps. A police officer with short spiky hair and a face that looked like someone I knew. He got a surprised look on his face as he started to grab the chains. After realizing how heavy they were he called for a few men. For a few seconds all I could hear was the pounding of my heart and my vision blurred. Two more men came downstairs and helped lift me up. I didn't get a good look at there faces. Everything began and blend together into one big blur.

The next thing I knew I was being set down at the edge of the back of a ambulance. Some men came over with large metals clippers and, after a few tries, get my hands free from the chains. I looked around in a haze only thinking that I was safe and should celebrate with Justin. Then it hit me. Erika...Rose. A nurse walked up to me to make sure I was ok. I ignored her as she checked me. She walked away confused at how I wasn't hurt at all.

Justin's Pov.

As soon as I heard clutters of feet I knew it was my chance. I darted out of the room running fast and then into the last room that I hadn't been in. I turned around expecting to see just Erika. But to my surprise Roderick was there too. He had a big grin on his face and his brown old eyes were filled with evil. Erika was standing there in his grasp as he held a gun to her head. She was shaking and her face was soaked with tears. I began to panic and started toward him angrily. I had a click and knew the gun was now ready to shoot. I stopped in my shoes. It would kill me if I was the reason she died.

Roderick's smirk grew. "Come closer and I think you know what I'll do" he pushed the gun toward Erika's head a little more, making her cry even harder. I looked straight into her eyes trying to tell her it was gonna be ok and I think she got the message because she stopped crying a little. "Get down on the ground with your hands over your head. Now your gonna let's us leave and your not gonna follow" he started to slowly step forward as I crouched onto the ground then laid flat. Erika slowly scooted with him, scared of what he might do.

I heard the door click shut then stood up. He'll leave with her. But the police will get him. And she will be safe. I was panicking but I knew if I went out there he would shoot her. But then again I could save her. I started to creep towards the door.

I heard a shot of a gun as soon as I opened the door. In the corner of my eye I saw Erika upstairs. She was falling to the ground below her. No. She can't be. She's not dead. I felt my eyes water up but I ignored it as I let the anger take over me. I ran upstairs to see who shot the gun. Once I got upstairs there was a police officer with a gun in his hands pointed at her and a look of guilt on his face. Roderick was standing here a second ago but now I don't know where he is. In my head I wanted to kill that officer. But I was smarter then that. Or maybe to weak to.

I knelt down next to Erika tears fighting there way the escape. Her shirt was covered in blood. She was still alive...but barely. She looked like she was fading. "Get a doctor! Or someone!" I yelled at the officer who was still standing there, a shocked look on his face. He still did nothing I stood up and walked over to him "you just shot my daughter. Now go. Get. A. Perimedic." Spit was flying out of my mouth as I tried to contain myself.

He finally got the picture and left to go get someone. I walked over to Erika again. She looks so small and fragile. She was looking up at me in a daze. She was fading. She was too far gone to say any words. I heard lots of foot steps and some shouts from outside then a man dressed in white and another woman walked up with a bed so Erika could be transported. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and turned around to see Lilly, her face soaked and her eyes full of panic.

-40 minutes later-

The doctors took her to the hospital. One of the police officers offered to drive us there. The doctors won't tell us anything and now Lilly and I are sitting in the waiting room. Her head is rested on my shoulder and my head on hers. She fell asleep a little bit ago. She must have been exhausted from all this. I stroked my finger across her upper arm as my arm wrapped around her thin body. I focused on her breathing, to in shock to do anything else.

A doctor walked up to us a few minutes later so I softly nudged Lily awake. The doctor had a look on his face that I couldn't quite read. It wasn't sadness but it wasn't guilt either. "I'm so sorry to keep you waiting" he started talking, his voice smooth "we still haven't gotten your daughter back. And I really don't have anything to tell you. I recommend you go home and get some sleep. You look tired. Ill call you as soon as I hear something." I was about to protest to his offer but re-thought it and realized it would be best to go home.

-a few minutes later-

Lilly fell asleep in the car again so I carried her inside and set her on the bed. My clothes have blood stains from today's events and my hair is sticky from sweat. I decided it would be best to shower. I slipped into the bathroom and started stripping my clothes. I turned the water on and got in. After my shower I stepped out and got dressed into my already waiting outfit I had put out for myself.

I got dressed quickly and then went to dry my hair. I looked up at myself in the mirror. My eyes. Those ugly goldish red eyes. I used to think they were "cool" or "fun" but now all I see is all this being my fault. I threw arms across the counter making everything on it spill to the ground in a loud clatter. I bent over and put my face in my hands. Erika could die...because of me.

I heard a nock on the door then Lilly's soft voice "Justin? Are you ok? Can I come in?" She sounded like how I felt. I walked over and opened the door. She stood there in her pajamas with her hair braided to the side. I didn't even know she was awake. She embraced me in a hug. She always knew what I needed. I wrapped my arms around her and put my head in the crook of her neck. "It's all my fault" tears were coming out now but I didn't care. It's only Lilly here. She stroked my back then came out of the hug looking me firmly in the eyes and said "no it's not. Don't say that." I was about to protest when she cut me off "please come" her eyes were pleading and I couldn't resist. I walked into our room with her and got into her pulling the sheets up. I hugged her and surprisingly fell asleep.

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