17: Depression.

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Authors note: Just a little warning, the next few chapters are going to be pretty intense and depressing. If your not into that kind of stuff comment and tell me. And I'll have a recap when it gets better. Love you all!





That's all that feels the room.

My mind is shut down so I just stare at a spot on the floor. People softly move by me without making a sound. I glance up at the clock to see what time it is, it's 11:36 pm. I've been here for hours. They won't tell me anything.

My eyes drift back to the spot on the floor.

I start to think of the last I saw her.

My face is soaking now and I start to make soft sobbing noises. I can't control but no one in the room seems to care.

Justin's Pov.

I sat on the uncomfortable wooden chair that they had in the hospital. I tried not to think about Erika. If I did, I would break out in tears. Images of the past few days drifted through my head. I could feel the tears fighting there way out of my eyes. But I couldn't cry, I had to be strong for Lily and Rose.

As I sat looking at the people rushing through the halls of the hospital I heard a soft sobbing sound. Then after a minute or two it became louder. I looked down at Rose to see if it was her. Sure enough. She was staring somewhere off into the distance, a blank look on her face with tears rolling off her cheeks. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her into a hug. She gladly accepted and wrapped both arms around me hiding her head in between my arm and stomach.

We sat there like this for a while. She sobbed, I comforted. Eventually Lily came back from the front counter. She had gone to try and found out information. She had a lost look on her face as she sat in the chair beside me and rested her head on my shoulder. I was going to ask her of she found anything out. But I'm pretty sure I already knew.

We sat there for a while till one of the nurses told us to go home and sleep and that she would call us if she learned anything. The ride home was dead silent and as soon as we got home, we all went to our rooms without a word.

Lily's Pov.

I changed into my purplish silk pajamas that Erika had given me. She had a set just like them and had wanted to match. I smiled at the memory of that Christmas. It was 2 years ago. It was the perfect Christmas. It had snowed for the first time in forever that morning. The kids all got what they had wanted and after presents and hot chocolate we played games together. I suddenly broke down into tears and crouched on the floor of my closet.

I might never have that experience again. She might be gone forever. I heard soft footsteps on the carpet then strong muscular arms wrap around me, it was Justin. He said nothing to me, instead he just brought me to the bed and lied me down covering me with a blanket.

He got in the bed himself and slipped the blanket over him. Then with a click!, the light was off. And after some time, I fell asleep.

Rose's Pov.

I trudged off into my room and over to my window seal. I didn't even bother putting on pajamas. What was the point? I opened my the window and sat on the cushion, letting my feet hang off over the edge. A cold breeze blow my hair out of my face and made the tips of my toes tingle at the tips. I was on the second floor of the house so I was pretty high up but it was nothing compared to how high I was about to go.

I sat there contemplating wether to go or not. After a few minutes of deciding, I jumped off and softly landed on the ground without making any noise. I turned towards the woods and started running. Trees rushed past me as I sprinted to the only spot that calmed me. Tears pushed out of my eyes and onto my cheeks. I probably broke my foot more then once but it grew back within seconds.

I reached a tall tree, it was different then the others. It was taller, and a darker color. I grabbed the bottom of the tree and started to climb up it. Splinters seeped into my hands and my skin grew over them but it didn't hurt.

Once I reached the top I found the branch with the pile of strong leaves on it where I stored my stuff and took it out. I had put my floral backpack here. Inside, it had pictures of Erika and I and my journal. It wasn't much but I had gotten tired of bringing it back and forth that I decided to store it here.

I took out my favorite photo of Erika and I when I was 10 and she was 7. Mom and dad had taken us to Disneyland and we were posing with our favorite character, Goofy. We had big chubby smiles on our face and Goofy was making a silly face.

I must have been staring at the photo for a while because I felt a ray of sun touch the tip of my foot. I looked out towards the sun and saw it was rising. I wiped the tears away from my face and put away the picture. I jumped off the tree and heard every bone in my body crunch. I lied on the ground for a few seconds and let everything heal itself before running back home.

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