Sixteen - Kyle

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"I ain't ever seen shit like that," Joel said quietly, his back resting against a tree. "That's some next level shit."

He hit the nail on the head with that. We'd dealt with people before, but that - hanging people to crosses until they died either from starvation, exposure, or zombies - well that was brand-freaking-new.

"Seen anything like it before?" Hunter asked.

I shook my head along with Miles. We'd seen some weird shit go down outside of Hudson - and if I'm being honest, inside too. But nothing like that. We'd been close to cities before, not this one because no one in the right mind wants to head into the capital. It's right up there with going into New York City as far as stupidity goes. Every city has people who've staked a claim to it of some sort. Most are like Miles said, bigger bark than bite. I wasn't sure when it came to these people though. Anyone willing to do that to a person...

"You?" Joel asked.

"Not even close." He shook his head. "The people we've run into, they've wanted our girls, one had some weird Fight Club type shit going on, but even they didn't do anything like that. Makes me think it's gang shit. There's gotta be another group threatening their power to make them stake such a claim."

"Then lucky us for walking our asses right into the middle of it all," Joel said. "Zero took 'em out," Joel said after a moment, pausing for Hunter's reaction. Our friend let out a deep sigh but nodded as though he expected as much. "It was a bad call."

Hunter grimaced and glanced over his shoulder where the girls were. Zero had dragged Ella off grumbling something about girl time that had Ella looking about as confused as possible - but I couldn't help but feel relieved that she looked confused and even slightly amused instead of haunted. She'd carried that look with her since we'd ditched the truck. Too pale, dark circles seemed to appear under her eyes and every smile when Miles or Hunter or I tried to lighten the mood was forced for our benefit. And now she was having girl time with Zero, which in Zero-speak translated to more training apparently.

"She thinks with her heart," he said by way of explanation.

"She may have fucked us over."

"Watch it," Hunter said defensively, leaning forward with narrowed eyes locked on Joel.

Not at all intimidated by Hunter's display Joel rolled his eyes. We'd seen Hunter get into fights before and the guy knew how to throw a punch, but Joel could give as good as anyone. He wasn't scared of a fight nor was he one to back down from a challenge. I shut my eyes in silent prayer that Joel kept his damn mouth shut. The last thing we needed was the two of them fighting it out. I smiled when Joel conceded. "Quit being a little bitch. I'm not hatin' on your girl so just calm your tits, bro." At that Hunter relaxed his posture and he smiled. "I'm not arguing with killing them. It was right. I'm just saying that if the assholes who did that see what she did, they'll be ready for us. Hell, they may even come looking for us. I just mean if we'd left their shit alone, we could have slid in under the radar."

I shoved Joel the instant the words left his mouth. The asshole had an issue keeping his damn voice quiet and Ella and Zero were only a few yards away. Zero wasn't a concern, but we'd spent damn close to an hour getting Ella to trust that stopping for the night was a good idea. She'd used the term "sitting ducks" and started ranting on about horror movies and camping. It wasn't pretty. We'd finally talked her down and now she was off with Zero. Totally, blissfully distracted from her fear. I'd kill Joel if she'd heard him suggesting that we're being hunted.

"Keep your voice low."

"We had a good shot of being spotted no what. No one came into this expecting a walk in the park," Miles pointed out. 

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