ThirtyFour - Kyle

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It was safe to say I found their supply station. In close to the middle of what had been one of the largest cities in the country, these people had set up a sort of headquarters. It was organized, well thought out, and well, damn it was impressive. They'd built a large fence around not just the Costco, but the entire Pentagon Centre shopping strip attached to it. The whole thing took up a city sized block and they had fencing reinforced with sandbags and wood beams (and in a few places even strategically positioned cars helped to support the fence and keep it from being easily knocked over by a horde) around the entire, damn thing. Barbed wire covered the top of the fence - it only served to deter living people from breaching their perimeter. And from my vantage point point, halfway up some left over construction that was never completed on an apartment building across the street, I could also see a few lookouts on the roof. I was sure they had weapons. Shrouded in the darkness, I was sure they couldn't see me, but it was clear they could handle and were ready for an attack.

I had no idea how they'd done it. Built up a fortress in the middle of the city. It meant one thing to me, there were a lot of people working together here. Or at least there had been at one point.

Loud crackling echoed not far from where I stood on a construction platform. The sound blasted through a speaker I hadn't spotted on the side of the building and I nearly lost footing in surprise. When the static stopped, a voice came over the speaker and I readied to make a run for it, assuming I'd been spotted. I stopped short when I heard Sevendust play through the loud speakers. They were playing music.

Their reasoning became clear when the zombies that had crowded around the entrance gate began to wander off, toward the source of the sound. A few speakers must have been set up to distract the zombies while they got in and out since not all were making their way toward me. It was enough though. More than enough.

I backed up on the platform toward the building not wanting to chance being spotted by a zombie - or whole group - that would gladly wait for me to come down if I were spotted. I'd have to find another way down. Or chance just waiting them out... however long that would take. Inching back toward one edge so I could see their compound, I watched as three vehicles drove toward the entrance. Two large SUVs and a truck - its bed piled high with something I couldn't make out in the dark - drove right into the gates. Once closed, the music cut off.

The zombies, their interest in this building now lost, began to drift aimlessly away from where I was. When I was sure I wouldn't be trapped, surrounded, and fucked, I started to climb back down the ladder. It was time to get the fuck out of here.

The dead were groaning, but otherwise there wasn't much noise after the music shut off. So when I thought I heard a scream, I stopped. I waited, listening. I might have misheard. I hoped I had. Just as I started to move again, I heard the scream again. Longer, louder. There no mistaking it for what it was.

Ignore it.

Keep moving.

I needed to get back. I was already pushing my luck on time.

I jumped off the ladder and started to walk away. Back to the house where Ella was hopefully still sleeping.

Refusing to turn around, sped up to a jog.

Confirm where they were keeping the supplies and get back. I checked out the location. It was time to get back.

Nothing stupid. No trying to steal anything. No heroics.

"Don't fucking touch her!" The shout ended too abruptly either they were fighting or something else had shut him up. Either way, I came to a halt.

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