Nineteen - Ella

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Slowly awareness seeped in, but I didn't open my eyes. Too scared by the realization that I was moving. Someone was holding me. Their arms wrapped around my body, keeping me in place.

My heart pounded against my ribs.

I needed to get away. Do something.

I kicked. I screamed.

The arms tightened around me and I fought harder against them.

"Ella!" My name was shouted by a strained voice. "Ella. It's me. It's Kyle."

My eyes popped open and settled on a familiar face. As the panic and fear rescinded, I remembered all that had happened. Hunter and I... we were take, tied up, and left for dead. But they got to us. Vaguely I remember my eyes falling over Kyle's face about the time my vision faded away. In the moment, my vision fuzzy and the light having created a halo effect around him, I had thought he was an angel there either to rescue me or lead me into the light, either felt reassuring in that moment. Realizing that it was him who had me now, my muscles relaxed. Without adrenaline flooding my blood became acutely aware of the pain. Every muscle and bone in my body felt sore.

"It's okay," he said, his voice smoothing over me, telling me I was safe.

But it wasn't okay. I wasn't okay.

"Put me down," I said, my voice cracking. When he didn't I yelled, "Put me down" again as I struggled to get out his arms.

His brow pulled together, blue eyes confused as he sat me to my feet. I didn't understand it either, why I wanted down. Away from him. But I couldn't stand it, being held. Having someone touching me. My eyes moved from Kyle to Miles, then Joel, Zero and Hunter. A hint of relief settled over me that he was okay. They all had the wore similar expressions.

Concern. Pity. Like I was a freak of nature that they didn't understand.

My head felt light for a moment and I held out a hand to stop the world from spinning. Kyle stepped forward.

"Please." I jerked away from the hand he offered.

"Why don't you sit down for a moment, Ella," Miles said, approaching me carefully. "You've got to be hungry."

If I tried to eat anything, I was sure I'd be sick. I shook my head.

"Wh-where are we?" I glanced behind me, squinting to see through the trees - see anyone who might be following us. I didn't see anyone. But I hadn't seen anyone the day before either. I hadn't seen anyone. I hadn't noticed anything.

I pulled in short, quick breaths that never seemed to fill my lungs. I couldn't catch my breath. My heart raced as I looked around. Hundreds of trees. They all seemed to close in on us. I couldn't see anything but the trees. A shadow caught my attention and then something, maybe a bird, moved rustling branches and causing my entire body to jolt in fear. Ready to run. Those people... they could have been anywhere. They could be watching. Waiting.

I didn't know if anyone answered me. I could see mouths moving, but I couldn't hear anything. Not a word.

Why were we standing. We should have been running for our lives.

Before I could take off doing just that, something was grabbing me - grabbing onto my hand. My scream was cut off as Hunter pulled me to face him. Releasing my hand, he grabbed onto my face and forced me to look at him. In his eyes I saw my own fears reflected. Somehow knowing he was scared too brought me back to earth. I didn't feel so alone in this.

"Remember what I told you?" Attempting to pull in a steady breath, I nodded. For good measure he repeated the same thing he had told me more than one in our night together. Every time I was ready to lose it either from pain or fear. "We're not safe yet, so you need to keep it together."

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