Three - Ella

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Hey wonderful people... Hope you're enjoying so far!! Here's chapter 3. I'd love to know your thoughts! 

Chapter Three - Ella

I was late.

"Don't be late." Ha! That was the last thing that Kyle said to me and I was already mucking it up. It wasn't intentional and I hadn't even overslept. It was the boots. And the pants. The boots fit, but I couldn't get the laces right. It wasn't like I never learned how to tie my shoes, but when I had these tied in a nice little bow, the long laces still hung down to the ground. The pants were too big by at least two sizes. And the belt was made for man. I wondered if maybe Kyle had just given me one of his because I had to try to fashion an extra hole in with my pen. That's about the time I noticed the clock. Giving up on getting my ballpoint pen through the canvas belt, I stuffed my pockets with an extra bra and couple changes worth of underwear, hiked my pants up, keeping a solid grip with one hand so they wouldn't fall down, and rushed out the door praying I didn't trip over the insanely long bootlaces.

Before the door slammed, I turned around running back to my desk. I pulled open the draw and grabbed the tube of lipstick - the only thing that meant anything to me - and shoved it into one of the velcro pockets before turning again to leave.

I arrived to the dining hall we were supposed to meet at a couple minutes past seven, not surprised to see the three men who would accompany me waiting outside. They probably had gotten here early enough to eat a good breakfast and everything before I showed up. I could smell the eggs. I wanted the eggs. My plan had been to get here early too, but... it didn't work out.

"You're late," Kyle said not even deigning to look at me. Guess whatever moment we had last night had been a one time only sort of deal. He wasn't being friendly, which he had almost been the night before. And he sounded disappointed though not surprised, like he'd hoped I'd prove him wrong but I didn't. I frowned and opened my mouth to start with the apologies but Miles cut me off.

"Is there a reason you're walking funny?" His voice was full of suggestion that had my cheeks heating and my eyes focusing on the ground.

"Oh. The pants are too big."

"That's what the belt's for," He said slowly as if I was too dumb to understand the purpose of the belt. If my cheeks were still red, it was in annoyance as I met Miles' amused hazel eyes.

I gave a mock smile. "Belt is too big too," I said in an equally patronizing voice but cracked when he started to laugh.

"Take it out. I'll fix it," he said and pulled a knife out of his pocket.

A knife! That's what I needed.

I pulled the belt from the loops and passed it to him, pointing where I needed the new hole created. He quickly poked a hole through and I rethreaded the belt. My eyes wandered down to their feet. I didn't want to ask them how they handled the extra-long lace issue and as soon as I figured out they tucked them in, I wanted to smack myself. Really, I wasn't stupid. I was just nervous. Really freaking nervous. Quickly, when they turned their attention toward one another, discussing something in hushed voices, I bent down and fixed my little issue.

"Look at you," Miles said, his attention back to me. "Looking like G.I. Barbie."

I appreciated the compliment because inside, I felt like a total wreck.The three men picked up their bags with a lot more ease than I had; I had lost balance and nearly fallen when I slung mine over my shoulders. I shifted my shoulders, the weight of the bag already making them ache.

"Let's go then," I said. Kyle's lips twitched, but he kept himself from smiling. Apparently, unless he was annoying me, smiles were hard to come by.

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