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Thirteen years is a long time and that's exactly how long Calum and I have been together. Just last week we celebrated our twelfth wedding anniversary. It's been an amazing 13 years, despite the hitch at the beginning, we're still madly in love with each other. Over the years we've had many anniversaries, a few arguments, nothing too major, oh and two births.

Yes we have now got two beautiful kids together; our eldest son, Cuba who is 10 years of age and our youngest daughter, Luna who is 7 years of age. Cuba and Luna aren't your typical names but Calum and I wanted to call our children something unique and different but nothing too crazy.

After the media found out we were finally an item things got hectic. The media and public eye didn't find out about our relationship until a year later when Calum proposed to me. Calum's proposal was one of the happiest moments of my life.

It happened when I was on tour and in the middle of a show, he was supposed to be back home in LA, too busy with recording his 5th album with the band to visit me on my birthday, but he made it. He surprised me by coming out on stage just as I was having a little talk with the crowd and I automatically screamed when he came up behind me and whispered "surprise," in my ear. He had a microphone and announced happy birthday to me through it then proceeded to tell me he brought his gift for me on stage.

I was utterly confused at what it could be as he wasn't carrying anything with him. My confusion disappeared as soon as he dropped to one knee, whacked out a velvet box and spoke into the microphone "Savannah my love, will you marry me?" I gasped in shock at that point, as tears started streaming out my eyes; I couldn't speak any words so I just nodded my head over and over again as he slipped the gorgeous, huge diamond ring on my ring finger.

The crowd was screaming for us at this point but it was merely muffled in my ears as I was focused on my then fiancé, now husband, and concentrated on kissing him as passionately as I could. We said our 'I love you's' to one another and then I had to carry on with my performance as my mind raced with thoughts about Calum and how happy I was with what just happened and that I am with Calum in general.

Our wedding happened a year later and was a small intimate one, which was a contrast to our big open lives back home in LA due to our lifestyle. We decided to get married in Bora Bora on the beach and invited all our close friends and family, there was probably 50 people there, maybe less. We got there a week before the actual wedding so there was enough time for me and my maid of honour, Sierra, to make sure everything was perfect and those days in the lead up, Calum and I spent them separately. It was tough but we managed and when we saw each other after a whole week not together, I was reminded how much I actually loved him because of how I felt when I saw him after so long. We both wrote our own beautiful vows and Calum's brought a tear to my eye. The day after the wedding all of our guests left and Calum and I stayed for an additional week for our honeymoon.

After a year of being married that's when I fell pregnant with Cuba. Calum and I were nervous as we were about to become first time parents but the fact that we were doing it together made things seem a little less scary. The pregnancy was weird as it was something I've obviously never done before but it was also a fun experience; when my hormones were acting up calum was brilliant as he knew how to handle me and help me feel better if I was sad, or he was careful with what he said if I was mad for an unknown reason.

The birth was probably the scariest and most painful thing I've ever endured but I wouldn't change anything. My water broke at a time when Calum wasn't with me; he was at the studio on the other side of the city to where I was going to give birth to Cuba. Luckily, I was with Sierra, so she helped me get to the hospital and she got a hold of Calum for me. When I arrived at the hospital I was told I was about 6 centimetres dilated and that my contractions were moving quite fast so I would have to start pushing soon, but calum wasn't there yet.

As this was my first time at this I was so scared; I didn't have Calum with me yet and my baby was about to come a whole week earlier than his due date which is the reason for Calum not being with me. He was planning on taking time off right at my due date, so this early birth was not accounted for which It should have been in theory.

At 10 centimetres dilated I was told I had to start pushing, but I refused and refused because Calum still wasn't there yet. The nurses kept telling me that I had to push but I wasn't having it, but much to all of our lucks, Calum burst through the door announcing apologies to everyone but mainly me as he rushed to my side. I told him I had to start pushing and he kissed my forehead as he whispered to me these exact words, "you got this, you can do it baby. I love you," then grabbed my hand as I started squeezing the life out of it as I pushed. It didn't take long to give birth and I felt so overwhelmed with love for my son when I first held him. I was finally a mom and Calum was finally a dad; our family was complete. Raising Cuba as a new-born was tough but it was amazing at the same time, the love I had for that little human was indescribable, like the love I have for calum.

The second time around, when I gave birth to Luna and carried her for nine months, was nothing new but it was still a great experience. Her birth was even quicker than Cuba's and this time Calum was around and not at work otherwise he would have missed Luna's birth, because of how quick it was. Raising two kids was harder, much harder, but again I wouldn't change anything because it was all lovely. I love my kids and I love their father who loves them just as much as I do. We have the most amount of fun together as a family and I just don't want them to ever grow up.

Having children in the media is very challenging. Calum and I both didn't want them too exposed to this life; we wanted them to live as close to a normal life as they could considering they have two very famous parents. They go to school like normal children and everyone knows they have famous parents but they don't make a big deal out of it, which we are glad about. Calum and I still get the odd stare when we go to pick them up from school but it's nothing too major.

All in all, the past 13 years of my life have been the best. I've been able to share them with the love of my life, Calum, who I am now married to, with two beautiful children.

And to think this all started from a secret.

A/N It's finally over :( thanks for reading. Recommend this to people if you liked it . If you have any stories of yours that you would like me to read, feel free to comment or message me. Check out my other books called 'Baby' & 'Please?' and my pref book also.

Love you all!xxx

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